Affiliate Faculty Program - University of Houston
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Affiliate Faculty Program

The UH Population Health Affiliate Faculty Program is designed to recognize and acknowledge, using affiliate appointments, the diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds of University of Houston faculty that regularly participate in department activities by attending or giving seminars, teaching population health-related courses, collaborating on research projects with UH Population Health, and/or providing population health-related research opportunities for students.

Faculty affiliates will receive a courtesy appointment in UH Population Health. The Provost's Office will be provided with a record of affiliate faculty appointments.


UH Population Health Affiliate Faculty are:

  • Appointed on a 3-year renewable term
  • Required to hold a faculty appointment in an academic unit at the University of Houston
  • Expected to actively participate in UH Population Health education, research, and/or practice activities
  • Reviewed periodically to evaluate ongoing involvement with UH Population Health. Involvement can include, but is not limited to:
    • Teaching or co-teaching a course/course(s) affiliated with UH Population Health (e.g., a cross-listed course, a course with a UH Population Health prefix).
    • Collaborating on grants or have published work with UH Population Health.
    • Planning future collaborations (teaching, research, practice) UH Population Health

How to Request Affiliation

UH Faculty

To request formal affiliation, the interested faculty member will send an email to Dr. Bettina Beech, Chief Population Health Officer (, and include:

  • A brief cover letter (or email) indicating her/his/their interest in UH Population Health
  • Her/his most recent CV
  • The email or cover letter should also include:
    • A brief description of research and/or teaching specialties for inclusion on the UH Population Health website.
    • Any joint research projects held jointly with UH Population Health faculty, staff or affiliates including pending proposals with title and funding agency.
    • A list of UH Population Health committees in which s/he/they has (have) participated.

Approval Process for UH Faculty

  • If UH Population Health determines that a courtesy appointment is appropriate, the Chief Population Health Officer will inform the department chair of the faculty member's primary Department to determine if the chair is supportive of the affiliate appointment.
  • The Chief Population Health Officer will confirm, by vote, that the UH Population Health Department members view such an appointment as appropriate.
  • If the Department supports the affiliate appointment, the Chief Population Health Officer will send his or her endorsement of the courtesy appointment to the Dean or Associate Dean with a summary of the rationale for the appointment including the result of the Department vote and a draft of the appointment letter to be sent to the intended affiliate appointee.
  • Once the Dean approves the affiliate appointment, the appointment letter from the Chief Population Health Officer will be sent to the Associate Provost of Faculty Affairs for final approval.
  • Once the affiliate appointee sends an affirmative reply to the appointment letter, the Chief Population Health Officer will forward the reply to the department chair and Provost's office.

Affiliate Renewal Process

The documentation required to renew an affiliate appointment is similar to the original appointment. The department chair's letter should include a summary of the rationale for the reappointment, including the Department's vote for renewal.

UH Population Health Faculty Affiliates can discontinue the appointment by submitting a request in writing to UH Population Health. The Chief Population Health Officer will notify the faculty member's department chair, Dean, and Associate Provost of the change in status.


All resources for faculty affiliate appointees (e.g., salary, benefits, and/or research support) will be provided by the faculty member's primary Department.

Working Papers Series - Pre-publication versions of book chapters, reports, and articles by UH Population Health Affiliates.

The UH Population Health Working Paper Series shares preliminary results of population health-related research conducted at the University of Houston available in advance of publication or presentation at conferences to encourage discussion among and feedback from researchers.

Working papers are pre-publication versions of academic or policy articles, book chapters, or reviews. Papers that are posted are typically in progress, with preliminary findings, tables, and data descriptions, but the work is far enough along and ready to be shared. Some working papers may already be under submission or in press and forthcoming elsewhere.

Affiliated faculty members can apply for the Working Paper Series Incentive Grant, not exceeding $500. The purpose of this series is to publish original and unpublished research to disseminate and encourage discussion on recent studies and/or reports on population health-related topics and approaches.

Authors of papers will participate in UH Population Health's Brown Bag Seminar prior to the publication or presentation of their research. The final determination will be vetted by UH Population Health senior staff.

Responsibilities and/or Privileges

UH Population Health Faculty Affiliates will be invited to all UH Population Health seminars and events as well as be included on printed or web-based rosters. UH Population Health Faculty Affiliates must include UH Population Health as an affiliation on pertinent publications and presentations.