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Faculty Profile

hussain-tahir-19.jpgTahir Hussain

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs
Joseph P. and Shirley Shipman Buckley Endowed Professor for the Heart & Kidney Institute and Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director, Heart & Kidney Institute

University of Houston College of Pharmacy
Health 2, Room 6007E
4349 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Houston, TX 77204-5037

Contact: - 713-743-1276 - Fax: 713-743-1884


Obesity is a metabolic disorder associated with inflammation, organ damage and hypertension. We have shown that pharmacological activation of angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT2R) reduces inflammation, protects against salt-induced hypertension and kidney damage. AT2R is an atypical GPCR, which is linked to stimulation of nitric oxide and phosphatases. Our laboratory seeks to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the protective effects associated with AT2R activation. Primary focus is to understand the role of the immune and kidney epithelial cells and the molecular interplay between these cell types in AT2R-mediated protective effects. Our approach includes whole animal, isolated organ and cell culture studies.

  • B.Sc. (Chemistry) M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Biochemistry) - Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
  • Post-Doctorate – Pharmacology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Google Scholar Profile
  • Ali, R., Patel, Sanket P., Hussain, T. Angiotensin type 2 receptor activation limits kidney injury in early phase and induces Treg cells during late phase renal ischemia. Am. J. Physiol 320: F000-F000, 2021.
  • Fatima, N, Patel, Sanket P., Hussain, T. Angiotensin AT2 receptor is anti-inflammatory and reno-protective in lipopolysaccharide mice model: role of IL-10. Front. Pharmacol. XX 2021 doi: 10.3389/phar.2021.600163
  • Patel S, Dhande I, Gray EA, Ali Q, Hussain T. Prevention of lipopolysaccharide-induced CD11b+ immune cell infiltration in the kidney: Role of AT2 receptors. Biosci Rep [Internet].39(5), 2019 PMID:31072913
  • Nag S, Patel S, Mani S, Hussain T. Role of angiotensin type 2 receptor in improving lipid metabolism and preventing adiposity. Mol Cell Biochem 461:195-204, 2019 PMID: 31414336
  • Patel S, Ali Q, Preethi S, Steckelings U, Hussain T. Angiotensin II type 2 receptor and receptor Mas are colocalized and functionally interdependent in obese Zucker rat kidney. Hypertension 70(4):831-838, 2017 PMID:28827476
  • Ali Q, Dhande I, Samuel P, Hussain T. Angiotensin type 2 receptor null mice express reduced levels of renal angiotensin converting enzyme-2/angiotensin (1-7)/Mas receptor and exhibit greater high-fat diet-induced kidney injury. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2016 Aug 5;17(3). pii: 1470320316661871. doi: 10.1177/1470320316661871. Print 2016 Jul. PMID: 27496559
  • Patel S, Ali Q, Hussain T. Angiotensin II type 2-receptor agonist C21 reduces proteinuria and oxidative stress in kidney of high-salt fed obese Zucker rats. Hypertension, 67:906-915, 2016, PMID:25855512
  • Ali Q, Patel S, Hussain T. Angiotensin AT2 receptor agonist prevents salt-sensitive hypertension in obese Zucker rats. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol 308:F1379-85, 2015 PMID: 25855512
  • Nag S, Khan MA, Samuel P, Ali Q and Hussain T. Chronic angiotensin AT2R activation prevents high-fat diet-induced adiposity and obesity in female mice independent of estrogen. Metabolism 64:814-25, 2015
  • Dhande I, Ma W, Hussain T. Angiotensin AT2 receptor stimulation is anti-inflammatory in lipopolysaccharide-activated THP-1 macrophages via increased interleukin-10 production. Hypertens Res 38:21-29, 2015
  • Patel SN, Hussain T. Role of AT2R (Angiotensin type 2 receptor) in maintaining sodium-potassium balance. Hypertension 71:563-565, 2018
  • Dhande I, Hussain T. The protective role of angiotensin II type 2 (AT2) receptor in renal disease: Molecular mechanisms and indications for AT2 agonist therapy: The protective arm of renin angiotensin system (RAS) Ed Unger, Thomas, Elsevier 2014

Awards & Honors

  • Mario Toppo Distinguished Scientist Award (co-recipient), Association of Scientists of Indian Origin in America (ASIOA), 2023
  • Fellow of American Society of Nephrology, 2022-present
  • Fellow of American Heart Association, 2014-present
  • Joseph P. and Shirley Shipman Buckley Professor for the Heart & Kidney Institute, UH College of Pharmacy, 2022-present
  • Joseph P. and Shirley Shipman Buckley Professor of Drug Discovery, UH College of Pharmacy, 2018-2022
  • University of Houston Research Excellence and Scholarship Award, 2010
  • University of Houston Rho Chi Teaching Excellence Award in 2002, 2004, 2009
  • Faculty Service Excellence Award, UH College of Pharmacy, 2006
  • Service Award, Association of Scientists of Indian Origin in America, 2016