Geology Ph.D. Candidate Wins Second Place at AAPG/SEG Student EXPO Poster Competition

Geology Ph.D. Candidate Wins Second Place at AAPG/SEG Student EXPO Poster Competition
200 Student Poster Entries Judged

Unal Okyay, Ph.D. candidate in the University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, won the second place award in the poster competition at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists/Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student EXPO held in Houston, September 22-23.

Unal OkyayIn the competition, first, second and third place awards were given to top posters selected by a panel of judges. The 200 student poster entries were scored based on the overall appearance of the poster, quality of data and interpretations, oral summary of the poster by the presenter, and responses of the presenter to questions posed by the judges.

For second place, Okyay received $500 award sponsored by Chevron. Chevron will also match the award received with a donation to the department.

Okyay’s poster, entitled “Remote Detection of Fluid-related Diagenetic Mineralogical Variations and Fluid-flow Pathways in the Wingate Sandstone,” summarized one chapter of his Ph.D. dissertation that uses remote sensing data to identify and map diagenetic mineralogical heterogeneities and past fluid-flow pathways form regional to outcrop scale. His research is supervised by Shuhab Khan, professor of geology.

Monica Erdman and Brian Jordan of Rice University won first and third place in the competition.