Faculty/Course Evaluations for Students
Student participation in the faculty/course evaluation process is critical to the university's commitment to quality teaching and academic excellence. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the process with constructive feedback that is relevant to teaching and course content. The faculty/course evaluation data is important as it serves as one measure of the quality of faculty member's teaching that is used to evaluate faculty for promotion and tenure.
Submit Faculty/Course Evaluations
Each semester, the University of Houston students will be sent email inviting them to submit Faculty/Course Evaluations through AccessUH. We appreciate your honest and constructive feedback regarding your experiences in the classroom. The evaluation site is accessible from any mobile devices.
Step-by-step process to complete evaluations (PDF, 476KB)
You will be asked to log in to AccessUH online evaluation system using your Cougarnet ID or myUH (PeopleSoft) ID. The evaluation system uses this information to provide you with the appropriate course evaluations. All information obtained during this process will be solely used for that purpose.
When you submit an evaluation, no personally-identifiable information is stored along with your responses. Therefore, it is not possible for anyone to associate your answers to you personally. Responses are only identifiable by the question number and class number. Your responses will not be saved or stored in any way on our servers until you click submit.
Course professors and instructors will not have access to the results of their evaluations until after final grades have been submitted. The instructors can only view the aggregate reports, not individual responses. The aggregate results will be published at the end of semester seven days after the Post Grade Deadline for faculty to post Final Grades in AccessUH of regular Session 1 each semester. The post grade deadline is listed in the Academic Calendar.
The University of Houston takes your privacy seriously. All reasonable precautions have been taken to protect it.
View Results
Faculty/Course Evaluations reports from previous semesters are available at AccessUH. Click View Evaluation Reports after login.
The Faculty/Course Evaluation reports are without comments. Comments are only available to the instructors, the Chairs/Directors, and the Dean.
Why are faculty/course evaluations important?
Faculty/course evaluations are a critical component of assessing and improving teaching and instruction. By completing your faculty/course evaluations, you provide valuable feedback to your instructors.
Where can I see evaluations of classes I am considering taking?
Please login into AccessUH to view evaluation reports of prior evaluation.
Can a faculty member tell who has provided a given evaluation?
Student responses are anonymous. While the system keeps track of which students are completed the evaluations, individual student responses cannot be linked to that student. Of course, a student could make a comment that reveals their identity (“I was the only freshman, and I felt singled out”, for example), but this still does not reveal responses to other questions. Faculty members do not see their course evaluation results until after grades are submitted and aggregate results are processed. The results will be published at the end of semester seven days after the Post Grade Deadline for faculty to post Final Grades in AccessUH of regular Session 1 each semester. The post grade deadline is listed in the Academic Calendar.
Why don’t I see text comments?
Written comments on course evaluations are not shared with other students but are kept confidential to the instructor and relevant administrators.
How are evaluations used by faculty?
Student feedback on faculty and course content are valuable elements to the improvement of the University of Houston's course offerings and to the professional development of our faculty. Evaluation results are used by the University of Houston in faculty renewal, promotion, and tenure review processes. Faculty themselves find them very useful when designing course structure, syllabi, and content, as well as for personal development.