Online Evaluations
Student teaching evaluations are a central part of evaluating a faculty member’s performance in the classroom while also providing useful feedback to faculty members on how to better provide our students with the highest quality academic instruction.
A common misconception is that the transition from paper to on-line formats has resulted in significant reductions in the overall number of student evaluations submitted. While in the past this may have been true for specific individual classes, aggregated response data collected over the last several years by the Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC) indicates that most departments/colleges have seen either no change or more commonly an increase in response rate when teaching evaluations are submitted on-line as compared to using a paper format.
With that in mind, to encourage the highest student response rate possible while reducing the time and resources required to collate/analyze student responses campus-wide, the Provost has decided that starting Spring 2019, ALL student teaching evaluations will be conducted on-line rather than using a paper format. Paper evaluations option will be no longer available for classes offered during the spring 2019 semester and beyond.
Messaging Recommendations, PDF, 115 KB
Informational PowerPoint For On-line Teaching Evaluations, PDF, 238 KB
For Online Evaluation dates, please visit
Other Evaluation Platform
Colleges/departments who currently utilize an on-line evaluation platform other than that offered through the AccessUH portal by the Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC) may continue to utilize their own evaluation platform but will be required to provide MEC with individual course evaluation data within 15 days of the end of the semester (beginning May 2019).