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Alumni Spotlight: Daniela Leon

A Q&A with Graphic Design BFA Alum, Daniela Leon

 “It was exciting to be surrounded by other creatives from different backgrounds and be able to connect with them. We encouraged and supported each other on our individual journeys. This created an environment for all of us to grow and succeed. - Daniela Leon

Q: What was the year and degree you received from The University of Houston’s College of the Arts?  

A: Class of 2020. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. 

Q: Where has your [arts] career taken you since graduation? 

A: I got an internship at the Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts, and was recently hired as a Junior Graphic Designer at an advertising agency. 

Q: Is there one thing that has surprised you about a career in the arts that you didn’t expect? 

A: The importance of learning and understanding how to incorporate analog processes in graphic design that go beyond a computer.  

Q: What accomplishments in your career do you feel most proud of? 

A: Having applied to a lot of exhibitions, shows and jobs. Not all of them said yes but I certainly took advantage of those who did to grow and put my work out there 

Q: Are there specific skills or things you learned at the McGovern College of the Arts that you find valuable in your career now? What are they? 

A: Time management, quick decision-making and not taking critiques personal. 

Q: What is coming up for you in the future that we should watch for? 

A: The release of a professional project and a couple of online shows. Additionally, some previews of upcoming personal projects.   

Q: What advice would you have for incoming students who are focusing on a career in the arts? 

A: Don’t let fear or self-doubt get in the way and you’ll go as far as you want.  
