University of Houston System Principles
Principle 1: The whole of the UH System should be greater than the sum of its parts.
Principle 2: The UH System should provide access to the people of Houston throughout the Houston metropolitan region, making that access as convenient as is academically and financially possible.
Principle 3: The UH System’s institutions should be the primary providers of educational access in the Houston metropolitan region. However, they should seek partnerships with other institutions when it benefits students and when it is naturally advantageous.
Principle 4: The UH System should establish some distinctive mission differentiation among its institutions, while still enabling them to serve the needs of their region.
Principle 5: The UH System management structure should be as simple as is possible and should ensure clarity of responsibility and accountability.
Principle 6: The UH System should be strategic about its enrollment growth and intentional about its tuition and other financial strategies.
Principle 7: The UH System should ensure a standard of excellence throughout its institutions, while recognizing differences in student populations and missions.
Principle 8: The UH System should have a clear nomenclature that will enhance international, national, state, and regional marketing and branding.
Principle 9: The UH System should maximize opportunities for both its faculty and students to benefit from being within a system.
University of Houston Goals
National Competitiveness: UH will become a nationally competitive public research university as measured by the Top American Public Research University analysis and/or Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Student Success: UH will have a student profile consistent with a nationally competitive public research university by creating an environment in which student success can be ensured.
Community Advancement: UH will commit to fulfilling regional and state workforce needs while becoming the primary engine of social, economic, and intellectual development.
Athletic Competitiveness: UH will provide a comprehensive educational experience to its students and, within this context, it will seek to build the strongest athletic program possible.
Local and National Recognition:
UH will be known for its accomplishments locally and nationally.
Competitive Resources: UH will build a resource base that enables it to accomplish its mission and realize its vision.