EDUCAUSE 2022 Colorado Convention Center | Denver Colorado
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 10:15a.m. – 11:00a.m. MT
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 3:00p.m. – 3:45p.m. MT
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
The Good, Bad, and Ugly QR code
- Robert Birkline, Manager of Web Technology, University of Houston
Educause 2021 Philadelphia Convention Center | Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 | 4:15p.m. – 5:00p.m. ET
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Transforming Campus Safety with Location Services and Emergency Calling in Your Mobile App
- Robert Birkline, Manager of Web Technology, University of Houston
Educause 2019
Tuesday, October 15 | 1:15p.m. – 2:15p.m. and 5:00p.m. - 5:45p.m. CT
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Journey Through a Mobile App
Explore paths along the journey through a mobile app implementation. We'll share experiences from the perspective of organizational leadership as well as consideration for software development. From conception to engaging stakeholders to end-user adoption, we'll address many unanswered questions as we examine the "why" and "how" of mobile.
Outcomes: See the value and process of strategic planning, building relationships, and understanding your options in your journey ahead based on firsthand experience from our key team members * Receive a downloadable journey guide, which covers our journey from past to present.
- Robert Birkline, Manager of Web Technology, University of Houston
- Diane Trippel, Director of Web & Communication Services, University of Houston
- Journey Guide: poster [PDF]
- Sample Project Templates [long] [short]
- Sample Organizational Chart [PDF]
- Sample Testing Matrix [PDF]
Understanding and Interpreting the Needs of a Centralized/Decentralized Help Desk
Our aim is to demonstrate an IT help desk system for the entire University of Houston system that's easy to use, cost-effective, scalable, adaptable, and integrable with SharePoint and Microsoft Microsoft 365 for the centralized/decentralized IT model of the university system.
Outcomes: Identify the unique support needs of a centralized/decentralized IT structure * Understand the complications that a decentralized model places on IT support in a major university and how this can be addressed to the benefit of the customers * Identify the financial benefits of implementing an economically viable software
- Srinidhi Parshi, Instructional Assistant, University Information Technology, University of Houston
- Overview Poster: [PDF]
- Middle Poster [PDF]
- Results Poster [PDF]
- Sample Financial/Market Analysis Matrix [PDF]
Network Assessment
This project was initiated by the Assistant Vice President for Technology and Support Services University of Houston to assess the UH network. The main objective was to determine the current state of the UH network, identify future needs, expectations, and emerging technologies and create an immediate and long-term Network Plan. Furthermore, a cursory look into the methodology used, the first step was to identify the departmental structure, personnel and stakeholders involved in delivering information technology solutions; for the UH case study this departmental team were
- Network Planning and Development - the Core Network,
- the IT Network Services, -access layer network planning,
- the UIT customer support ticket-based customer support,
- Information Technology Availability Center (ITAC)Network Operations Center.
Customer feedback was gathered through online surveys and the use of a mobile app during townhall meetings. Input used to determine expectations and future demand on the UH network was also gathered from stakeholders including everyone who's activities were impacted by the network from teaching faculty to faculty Researchers, Students, Administrative Staff, IT Leadership etc.
In addition, we needed a way to measure and quantify the data available to us. during the early stages of the network assessment, one key strategy was to pull up all relevant data. This efficient data collection and analysis will be presented.
Finally, the results are interesting as this produced several high risks immediate action items and also future network plan.