Career ladders organize and relate jobs in the university, based upon skill progression and increased earnings. Career ladders have many applications including staff retention, performance and recognition, succession planning, and career development programs.
Career ladders are very helpful in assisting in the development of an individual career plan and goals as well as identifying the training and skills needed to attain those career goals.
Career Ladder Promotion Checklist
- A higher level job is needed in the Department
- New job is one step up on the Career Ladder
- Employee must be in their current job at least one year
- Performance contributions must be documented
- Employee must meet all of the qualifications for the new job (Directly related work experience will be considered in lieu of degree requirements on a year-for-year basis, i.e. 4 years of experience is equal to a bachelor’s degree.)
- The duties of the new job are assigned on or before the date of the promotion
- New pay is within the standard hiring range of the new grade, in accordance with MAPP 02.01.01
Business Process for Career Ladder Promotions
MAPP 02.01.01 Section V. D. 1. “An increase may be made to an employee’s base pay when the employee moves to a more responsible job assigned to a higher pay grade. Typically an employee would be eligible for a promotion after their initial probationary period is passed (from date of hire – exempt is 1 year, nonexempt is 6 months); and when their performance contributions have been documented; and when they have demonstrated the competencies, skills, and knowledge to move up to the next level in their career path or job family.”
Non-competitive promotions under this policy result in the employee’s current position changing to a new job which is one step up on the career ladder.
- Employee must be in the current job at least one year.
- The duties and responsibilities of the new job must be assigned to the employee on or before the date of the promotion.
- Employee must meet all of the qualifications for the new job. (Directly related work experience may be considered in lieu of degree requirements on a year-for-year basis, i.e. 4 years of experience is equal to a bachelor’s degree.)
- Performance contributions to the department or university must be documented.
- The promotional increase should raise the employee’s pay rate to at least the minimum of the new pay range, but not above the midpoint of the new pay range.
- Other factors to consider when determining the promotional increase include:
- Rates paid to other employees in the new job
- Number of grades between the old and new job
- Changing from FLSA non-exempt to exempt
- Competitive external pay data, if available
- All requests for promotions require the following documentation:
- Position Request Form (ePRF) (Job Reclass action/reason)
- Personnel Action Request (ePAR) (Pay Rate Change/Job Reclass)
- Memo documenting performance contributions and the basis for the request
- Documents should be reviewed and approved by department and college/division approvers before they are submitted to Human Resources. Incomplete packets will be returned.
- Exceptions to any of these policies and procedures require additional justification and prior approval of the appropriate vice president (or designee) and Human Resources.