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Honors Student Listserv

Coming up in the Honors College

NOW: Young Invincibles, Young Advocate Program
NOW: Seeking Volunteer Research Assistants


Grand Challenges Forum
The New Grand Challenges Forum encourages students to think critically, discuss openly and learn unequivocally. The New Grand Challenges Forum offers students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the local community a time to hear a wide range of lectures dedicated to a compelling theme. Fridays from 1-2 p.m. in the Honors College Commons.


Young Invincibles, Young Advocate Program
The Young Advocates Program is a leadership development program of Young Invincibles (YI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to amplify the voices of young adults in the political process and expand economic opportunity for our generation. YI focuses on cultivating and empowering young and courageous leaders who are advancing economic justice, changing the narratives that perpetuate systemic inequity, and championing transformative policy change to make higher education more affordable, expand healthcare access, and secure quality jobs. 

Young Advocates will come together weekly for virtual sessions, with occasional extended sessions for special workshops. In addition to regular virtual sessions, Young Advocate members will have to attend special events in person, attend one-on-one meetings with program staff virtually, and have skill-building assignments to complete between sessions that may be either in person or virtual. 

Program Start Date: September 13, 2024 
Program End Date: December 06, 2024
Learn more and APPLY HERE

Participate in the Problem Solving in Groups Study
You are invited to participate in a research study titled Problem Solving in Groups. The study takes approximately an hour and involves volunteers coming to a laboratory on campus and interacting with others via computer in an effort to earn money. The choices people make when interacting will affect earnings. The study should cause no discomfort, anxiety, or embarrassment.

Participants will be compensated. Participants who complete the study will receive on average about $18.00. To qualify you must be an undergraduate who wants to earn money. Your participation in this study will remain anonymous and no one will be able to identify your responses as coming from you.

If you want to volunteer, please go here: Questions? please email Scott V. Savage,

This project has been reviewed by the University of Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (713) 743- 9204.

We Are Recruiting: No-HPV-For-Me Study
Human papillomavirus (HPV) increases the risk for six cancers in men and women. Want to protect you and your loved one from HPV? Participate in a study led by researchers at MD Anderson to promote HPV vaccination for college students. The study is open to currently enrolled college students aged 18-26 years who have not been vaccinated against HPV, and participants will be asked to view information on HPV and the vaccine, and complete online questionnaires. Participants are compensated.

Interested? Sign up HERE Feel free to email us at with any questions!





UH Cognitive Development Lab: Seeking Volunteer Research Assistants (Fall 2024)
The UH Cognitive Development Lab is recruiting undergraduates and post-bacs for volunteer research assistant positions, beginning in Fall 2024. We study the factors that contribute to varying aspects of cognitive development, including learning, attention, and language through the use of head-mounted eye-tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) during parent-child interactions.

Requirements include, but are not limited to:
- 10 hours a week;
- 3 semesters;
- 2 meetings a week.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Scheduling and running study appointments;
- Annotating and scoring behavioral data;
- Administering standardized assessments;
- Organizing and running recruitment events in the community;
- General lab and data management.

Opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- Professional development workshops;
- Letters of recommendation;
- Conference presentations;
- Senior honors thesis projects and course credit;
- Research scholarships.

Applications are open through July 31.
Apply HERE 