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Mileage and Reimbursement Forms
Mileage Report: 

The Mileage Report that may be used to document local, intercity mileage, parking, and tolls is now completed using DocuSign. Contact the Business Office at to have the DocuSign form emailed to you. The requester must provide a point-to-point itemization of locations driven, the business purpose, and support the miles claimed with odometer readings or an Internet mileage calculator (e.g., Mapquest).

More information regarding personal car mileage can be found on the Accounts Payable Travel website ( 

Reimbursement Request - Non Travel
Promotional and Networking Expense Report (dining only, no meeting/registration fees)
Faculty/Staff Miscellaneous Forms
Faculty/Staff/PhD Business Card Request
Faculty - Request for leave of absence
FERPA Reference Request Release
Key Request Form
Letter of Excuse for Student Travel
Massad Library Copy Center Requisition
New Hire Technology Request
P-Card/Requisition/Purchase Order Approval
Printer Toner Order
Release and Indemnification Agreement for Adults
AP Travel
Visual Map
Faculty Course Related Forms
Canvas - Request for Exam
Electronic Exam Score Request for Testing Center
Faculty Absent from Scheduled Class
Incomplete Grade Form
Laboratory Safety Policy and Procedures
Massad Library Copy Center Requisition
Professor for the Day Gift Request
Student Incident Procedures
Student/Visitor Accident
Business Office Related Forms
Direct Deposit Instructions  
Entering Leave Request in PASS
Motor Vehicle Request
Need & Benefit – Foreign Travel
Parking Application
Personnel Staff Request
Termination Clearance Form for Temps/Students/Other Non-Ben
Trip Report
Contract Request
Contract Completion Certification
PhD Forms
Fall 2019 PhD Student Handbook
Comprehensive Examination Ballot- PhD
Form 1 PhD dissertation committee approval
Form 2 phd outside committee member permission
General Comps- Examination Ballot
PhD Candidacy Examination Ballot
PhD Dissertation Proposal Approval Form
Doctoral Student Professional Development Expense Reimbursement Form
Hotel Related Forms
Request for Meeting/Event Space
Request for Hotel Support for Food, Beverage, or Set up in a Classroom