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Dani Soltis

Tarik Goulbourne Headshot
Ph.D. Student, Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences
M.S. Clinical Psychology
B.S. Political Science
B.A. English

I am a fourth-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program. My undergraduate degree is in English and Political Science and I have my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Broadly, my research interests are focused on marginalized social identities, with particular focus on those who have diverse genders or sexualities. My master’s thesis explored queer identity from a multicultural framework and I am currently collaborating on a study exploring body image dissatisfaction for those who identify as bisexual. I also have strong research interests in the areas of non-religious/secular identity and sizeism/weight bias. This year I will serve as a research assistant for Dr. Smith on Project Pride, a group intervention for gay and bisexual men. Clinically, I have practiced from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) paradigm and am interested in exploring contextual behaviorism more in my research work. I am currently completing practicum at the Montrose Center, a community setting that serves those who are sexually or gender diverse in Houston.

As self-care, I enjoy cooking, traveling, gaming, and watching Netflix.