Safia Essien - University of Houston
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Safia Essien

Giving back to the community through science.

Center for Student Empowerment student, Safia Essien, is a senior biotechnology major preparing for the next step in her academic career – graduate school. She recently got accepted to graduate school at San Antonio UT Health to study biomedical sciences, focusing on different cell death and survival strategies such as apoptosis and autophagy. Safia and her mother moved to Austin, Texas ten years ago from South Africa. For fun, she enjoys watching television shows and gaining new skills such as programming, or learning new lab techniques. Her life goal is to pursue a life of scientific research. Learn more about her in her own words:

What inspired your interest in science?
I suppose if a phrase were to describe me, it would be as someone who is “life-long learner”. Taking my first challenging science course my freshman year of high school is what helped me consider research as a career option because I enjoy the process of gaining knowledge. Also, cells are capable of doing a host of interesting things such as repairing themselves, committing suicide, and using different strategies to withstand stress. Those aspects of cells are what really sparked my interest in science.

What would be your dream job or dream accomplishment?
My dream job would be to in a position where I can not only make an impact in my field but also in my community. Giving and receiving mentorship is a big deal for me, so an ideal career would enable me to mentor people who are interested in research careers, and encouraging students who come from a low-income background similar to mine to pursue research careers.

How did your Center for Student Empowerment (CSE) experience prepare you for your future?
CSE definitely helped with time management and was a valuable resource when I was applying to graduate school. CSE has wonderful advisors and student advocates. I really enjoyed the times I interacted with Dr. Jones because she is a funny and a reassuring person.

What would you say to someone considering applying to CSE?
Definitely do it! It’s a decision that is not only good for your academic career but also for personal and emotional enrichment.

What would you say to someone experience a personal challenge that is affecting their academics?
Though it may be difficult, seek help as early as possible.