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Recent Theses

"A cognitive dimensional approach to understanding comorbidity among reading disability, math disability, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder." Amanda Child (P.T. Cirino, Chair), 2015.

"The Role of Executive Functions and Self-Regulated Learning in Math Development: A Path Analytic framework." Emily Warren (P.T. Cirino, Chair), 2016.

”Semantic memory in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders.” Savanna Tierney (S.P. Woods, Chair) 2016

“Evidence for clinical utility of neuropsychological data despite performance validity failures.” Andrew Rosenblatt (P. Massman, Co-Chair) 2016
“Prediction of global outcome with PASAT measures including test non-completion data following closed-head injury.” Lee Wiegand (H. J. Hannay, Chair) 2016

"Benefit of phonemic cueing in Alzheimer’s disease patients’ naming performance: Baseline correlates and predictive utility.” Brittany Cerbone (P.J. Massman, Chair) 2017 

"The role of magnitude processes and working memory for learning algebra." William Lacey (P.T. Cirino, Chair), 2017.

"Longitudinal effects of aging on prospective memory." Kelli Sullivan (S.P. Woods, Chair), 2018.

“A new addition to the concussion toolkit? Examining the incremental validity of the Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening Test.” Michelle A. Babicz (S.P. Woods, Chair). 2019

“English minority students in Ghana: How language of test administration and regional differences influence reading performance on the Ghanian Achievement Test.” Stephanie Torres (E. Grigorenko, Chair). 2019