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HHP's Graduate Student Research Day 2012

The Department of Health and Human Performance held its Graduate Student Research Day on April 26th, 2012 in Rm 104 Garrison. Twelve students from various graduate degree programs in HHP presented their research on this occasion.

Graduate Research Day

Dr. Lowder making introductory remarks at the start of the event. (Scroll down for more images)
(Scroll down for more images)

Below is a listing of grad students and their presentation topics in order of presentation.

Chris Sunseri Perceived discrimination and physical health outcomes in African American and
Hispanic/Latina women
Jodi Wilson Gait adjustments prior to performing a nested behavior
Kyle Cheung Correspondence of participant perceived mapped walkability with objective built environment walkability and its effects on physical activity
Stuart Lee Neuroendocrine response to stimulation of the plantar surface of the foot
Marius Dettmer Comparing brain activity in older and younger adults during a simple motor task
Amber Forrest The role of attention in locomotor adaptation
Amir Pourmoghaddam Assessment of leveodopa intake on multiple muscle activation in individuals with Parkinson's Disease
Erica Soltero Assessing the knowledge of healthy eating and physical activity guidelines among diverse community members
David Temple The effects of vibration on postural control when exposed to various perturbations
Hawley Kunz Can exercise during pregnancy decrease tumor volume?
Courtney Eason Does mental stress exacerbate tumorigenesis?
Douglass Diak Chronic exercise as a means of enhancing anti-tumor responses in mice