Karen Langton

Visiting Scholar (2021-2022)
Religious Studies
Ph.D. University of Birmingham, UK
Email: Klangton@uh.edu | CV
Office: Old Science Building, Suite 230
- Ph.D., Biblical Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
- M.A., Theology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, IN
- B.A., Mass Communications, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX
- B.M., Music Education, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Biographical Summary
Dr. Langton’s primary area of research is the Hebrew Bible and its history of interpretation, literary theory including poetics and metaphor theory, embodiment, and women and gender in the ancient Near East. She is currently researching the gendered representation of personified Wisdom in biblical literature.
Book Publications
Karen Langton, “Is There Female Language about the Deity: A Response to David Clines,” in
“Feminist Proceedings ISBL Rome 2018” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (forthcoming).
Journal Publications
“YHWH Brings Forth from the Womb: Relationship with YHWH in Psalms 22 and 71”
“Advances in Ancient, Biblical, and Near Eastern Research,” accepted for publication.
“Job’s Attempt to Regain Control: Traces of a Babylonian Birth Incantation in Job 3”
“Journal for the Study of the Old Testament” 36, June 2012.
Select Conference Presentations
“Isaiah 42:14 and the Female Experience of Childbirth”
Anglican Biblical Scholars, Annual Meeting, November 14, 2020
“The Gender of Wisdom: What it is Not”
Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting, July. 2019.
“There is No Female Language about the Deity: A Response to David Clines
Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting, July. 2019.
“Discovering the Three-Dimensional Pregnant Female Body in Psalm 139 using Benjamin Harshav’s theory of Integrational Semantics”
Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, Nov. 2017.
“Contours of the Pregnant Female Body in the Childbirth Metaphor”
- RELS 1301 Introduction to Religious Studies