Dr. Louis Williams
Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
549 Science and Research Building 2
Office: 713-743-1275
Fax: 713-743-1229
B.S. University of Pittsburgh
M.S. University of Pittsburgh
Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh
Houston Alumni Organization: Outstanding Faculty Excellence Award, 1999
The "Mr. Holland's Opus" Award, presented by the December Class of 1996, in recognition for the highest commitment to educate and provide directions to students.
Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy, "Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award."
Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award, Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy, 1994-95
Teaching Excellence Award, Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society, 1991, 94’, 95’-97’ & 2001
Faculty of the Year, Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy, 1990-91
Fulbright Senior Research and Teaching Scholar, Continued Multidisciplinary Investigations on the Medicinal Properties of Natural Products, 1985
Fulbright Senior Research and Teaching Scholar, Multidisciplinary Investigations on the Medicinal Properties of Natural Products, 1983
Teaching Excellence Award, University of Houston, 1978
Outstanding Young Man of America, 1975
Professional Pre-doctoral Fellow, 1973-74
Bristol Award, University of Pittsburgh, 1967
Research Interests
Synthesis, isolation, and structure determination of biologically interesting substances from natural and synthetic sources, e.g. potential anti-microbial and/or anticancer drugs
Developing innovative teaching methodology for better integration of Medicinal Chemistry into the basic and clinical pharmaceutical sciences.
PHAR 4350, 4351 Skills Lab I & II
PHAR 5702, 5703 Pharmacodynamics I & II
PHAR 5352, 5353 Skills Lab III, Pharmacodynamics
PHAR 5307 Herbal Medicine (Elective)
American Chemical Society, Medicinal Chemistry Division
American Pharmaceutical Association
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Society of Mass Spectroscopy
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society
Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions
The American Society of Pharmacognosy
The Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
The Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy National Leadership Honor Society