Master of Science in Architecture – Concentration in Sustainable Urban Systems

The Master of Science in Architecture with a concentration in sustainable urban systems [MS ARCH in Sustainable Urban Systems] is an interdisciplinary post-professional degree focusing on sustainable architecture and urban systems. Using Houston and its coastal context as a laboratory, the program encompasses urban and regional planning, neighborhoods, cities, metropolitan areas, and their urban and natural systems.
The program allows for a wide range of graduate student participation with areas of concentration in design, business, public policy, engineering, natural sciences, and law. Students strengthen their ability to function as creative problem solvers capable of facilitating community discussions about livable, sustainable, resilient, and healthy cities and places, and also strategic thinkers who lead multidisciplinary design teams.
Degree Plan
An interdisciplinary team of instructors teaches this program’s core curriculum. Students have 18 hours of core courses and 18 hours of electives. Up to six hours of the electives may be shared by related dual graduate programs. Core courses include interdisciplinary practicum and environmental analysis, ecologies, and technology courses. The interdisciplinary practicum courses includes a sustainable urban systems and urban sites capstone project. Core courses include Environmental Analysis I+II and Urban Ecologies and Technologies I+II.