Stern Professorship

When William F. Stern passed away in 2013, his estate created the William F. Stern Endowed Visiting Professorship. The endowment supports bringing prominent visiting critics and lecturers to the Hines College through the endowment's annual distribution. Since its inception, the College has welcomed esteemed architects, including Wendall Burnette, MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple, Brooks + Scarpa, and MAIO, to work with students throughout the fall semester and present an annual all-school lecture.
2018 – Wendell Burnette, FAIA
Wendell Burnette Architects - Phoenix, Arizona
2019 – Brian MacKay-Lyons, (Hon) FAIA and Talbot Sweetapple
MacKay Lyons Sweetapple Architects - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2020 – Angela Brooks, FAIA and Lawrence Scarpa, FAIA
Brooks + Scarpa - Los Angeles, California
2021 – Maria Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, and Anna Puigjaner
MAIO - Barcelona, Spain
2022 – César Guerrero and Ana Cecilia Garza
Studio S-AR - Monterey, Mexico
2023 – Alexander Roemer and Peter Zuiderwijk
ConstructLab - Berlin, Germany
2024 – Gabriel Monteleone and Emilia Migali
BAAG - Buenos Aires, Argentina
César Guerrero and Ana Cecilia Garza gave the Fall 2022 Stern Lecture.