Theory I and Aural Skills I Assignments   Theory I Syllabus  |  Aural Skills I Syllabus | Windows Vista help | Practice Rudiments Exam

Dr. Tim Koozin                
Moores School of Music
University of Houston

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(Click on items for study examples)

Chapter 1: Treble and Bass Clef

Chapter 3: Intervals and their Inversions

Chapter 5: Key Signatures (The Circle of Fifths)

Chapter 7: Simple Meter   Compund Meter

Exam I on Rudiments: Friday, September 19
Exam II (Part II, Units 1-7): Monday, October 20

Week 1   

Theory: Chs 1-4. Clefs, Accidentals, Intervals, The Major Scale

      Assignment for
Wednesday, Aug 27: Study Chs 1-4 and complete the following-- Ex. 1a and 1b, p. 9; Ex. 2a, p. 10

   Wednesday's assignment for Friday: Ex. 2c and 3a, p. 10; Ex. 5a, p. 11

   Friday's assignment for Wednesday : Ex. 4, p. 11. Study Ch 4-6.

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing (Sightsinging text): p. 5-9

   Dictation due next Tuesday (Software/Workbook)
      Preparation: Intervals-- 2nds & 3rds, Major scales
      To turn in: Interval Quiz #1 on seconds, p. 1; Melodic dictation, p. 32

Week 2

Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day holiday

Theory: Chs 4-6. Major and Minor Scales, Key Signatures, Triads

   Wednesday's assignment for Friday: Study Ch 4-6. Complete Ex. 1 and 2, p. 14; Ex. 1 and 2, p. 16

   Friday's assignment for Monday: DOWNLOAD WORKSHEET PDF

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: p. 12-13 (rhythms); p. 15-17 (thirds & fourths), p. 19-21 (melodies)

   Dictation due next Tuesday (Software/Workbook)
      Preparation: Intervals-- 4ths& 5ths, Major and minor scales
      To turn in: Interval Quiz #1 on thirds, p. 3; Melodic dictation, p. 35

Week 3

Theory: Ch 7. Meter and Rhythm

   Monday's assignment for Wednesday, Sept. 10: Ex. 1a, p. 18. Study Ch 7

   Wednesday: MEET IN LARGE GROUP.
       Assignment for Friday, Sept 9: Study Ch 7 and complete -- Ex. 1a, p. 26; Ex. 2a, p. 27; Ex, 3, p. 28

   No class Friday due to hurricane warning. Please complete the assignment for Monday and begin the Practice Rudments Exam. STAY SAFE!
       Friday's assignment for Monday: Ex. 1b, p. 26; Ex. 2b, p. 27; Ex, 4, p. 28. Also available by download: Practice Rudiments Exam

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Unit 3, p. 22-27 (Tonic triad, fifths, sixths, & octaves)

   Dictation due next Tuesday (Software/Workbook)
      Preparation: Intervals-- 6ths& 7ths, triads
      To turn in: p. 9 (perfect intervals), p. 11 (sixths), p. 17 (maj & min triads)

Week 4

Theory: Ch 7. Meter and Rhythm

   No Class Monday. Monday's assignment for Wednesday, Sept. 17: Practice Rudiments Exam




Assignments from last week may be turned in late if necessary.

Exam 1 (Rudiments) is postponed until a later time to be announced.

   Wednesday: Go over Practice Exam. Assignment for Friday: Make sure you are current on previous assignments and prepared for the rudiments for exam.

   Friday, September 19: WE MEET FOR CLASS. We begin Part II, Ch 1-4 (tonic, dominant, dominant seventh)
 Friday's assignment for Monday:
             Study Part II, Ch 1-4 (tonic, dominant, dominant seventh)
             Written assignment: Ex. 2 & 3, p. 42
         Begin bringing your Anthology to theory class always.
         Download the E-Workbook, Part 2, available to UH students here (password required):

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Complete Unit 3, begin Unit 4.

   Dictation due next Tuesday (Software/Workbook)
      Preparation: Intervals, Chords, and Scales
      To turn in: p. 13 (sevenths), p. 15 (all intervals), p. 23 (scales)

UNIT II study examples

Chapters 1-4: Tonic and Dominant voicings

Week 5

      Theory: Chs 3-4. Tonic & dominant trads, the dominant seventh chord.

            Monday, Sept 22: MEET IN LARGE GROUP. Assignment for Wednesday: E-Workbook, Part 2, Unit 3, page 6

            Wednesday's assignment: Review for Friday's Rudiments Exam. Written assignment for Monday:
                   E-Workbook: Page 10, No. 6 only; page 11, all.
                   Bring Anthology for in-class discussion of selected examples.

            Friday: Exam 1 on Rudiments. (Note assignment above due Monday.)

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Continue Unit 4.

   Dictation due next Tuesday:
      Preparation: Harmonic dictation, p. 73 and 82.
      To turn in: Harmonic Quiz #1, p. 85.

Week 6

      Theory: Continue Chs 3-4. Begin Chs 5-6: the subdominant

            Monday, Sept 29: Assignment for Wednesday:
                Study Chs 5-6 on the subdominant
                To turn in: E-Workbook, page 16, No. 1a and 1b

            Wednesday's assignment: Anthology, page 18 (or other as assigned by instructor). Photocopy the page first, then write in harmonic analysis for both Scheidt and Schumann examples.

            Friday. MEET IN LARGE GROUP. Assignment: E-Workbook, page 19, Ex. 2a, 2b, and 2c.

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Continue Unit 4; Unit

   Dictation due next Tuesday:
      Preparation: Melodic dictation, p. 62.
      To turn in: Melodic Quiz #1, p. 68.

Week 7

Theory: Continue Chs 5-6, the subdominant. Begin Ch 7, Cadences.

      Monday, Oct 6: Assignment for Wednesday: Textbook, p. 61, Ex. 4 (three figured basses: realize each in four parts.)
          Also study Ch 7 on Cadences.

      Wednesday's assignment: Anthology assignment: page 23 (Beethoven & Schubert). Analyze harmony and cadences.

      Friday's assignment: E-Workbook, page 21, Ex. 5a or 5b (choose) and Ex. 6. Also, Study Ch 8: Cadential Tonic Six-Four.

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Continue Unit 4.

   Dictation due next Tuesday:
      Preparation: Harmonic dictation, p. 83.
      To turn in: Harmonic Quiz #2, p. 86.

Week 8

Theory: Prepare for Exam II. Begin Ch 8, Cadential tonic six-four chord.

      Monday, Oct 13: Assignment for Wednesday: Practice Exam II
          Also study Ch 8 on the cadential tonic six-four chord.

      Wednesday: Turn in Practice Exam II. Written assignment for Friday: E-Workbook, p. 23, No. 1 & 2 (cadences)

      Friday: Discuss Practice Exam II. Assignment for Monday: Study through Part II, Unit 7 for Exam

Aural Skills

   This week's Singing: Complete Unit 4. Begin Unit 5 through page 55.

   Dictation due next Tuesday:
      Preparation: Page 97 & 98 (Unit 5 melodic)
      To turn in: Melodic Quiz #1, p. 102

Week 9


Monday, Oct 20: Exam II (Part II, Units 1-7)

Wednesday: Return and go over the theory exam. Begin discussion of Ch 9 (first inversion). Assignment: Study Ch 9.

Friday: MEET IN LARGE GROUP. Assignment for Monday E-Workbook, p. 29.

Aural Skills:

Tuesday, Oct 21: Singing Midterm (by appointment. Solo melodies through page 55.)

Thursday, Oct 23: Dictation Midterm (intervals, scales, melodic, harmonic through page 102) No new assignments.

Week 10

Chapters 8-9 study examples:

   Cadential Tonic Six-Four Chord

   First Inversion Chord Voicings

   Non-Chord Tones

Theory: Continue Ch 9 (first inversion)

Monday assignments for Wednesday: E-Workbook, p. 30, No. 3 a-d. Anthology: prepare analysis of pages 27-29 for in-class discussion.

Wednesday assignment for Friday: E-Workbook, p. 32, 6a & 6b

Friday assignments for Monday: Anthology, p. 30-32, prepare analysis of all cadences and harmony to turn in (photocopy pages first).

Aural Skills:

Singing: Continue Unit 5 beginning from p. 56

Dictation due next Tuesday:
      Preparation: Harmonic dictation, p. 106 & 109
      To turn in: Harmonic Quiz #1, p. 113

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