Modern Astronomy

ASTR-3131 Spring 2008

instructor: Jim Clarage, Ph.D.

meets: Tuesdays, 4:00 - 6:50pm, BAYOU-2524




Announcement !!: Final Exam is Tuesday April 29th (not May 6th as original syllabus says.)


  1. The Night Sky, Celestial Motions and the Scientific Method
  2. Scientific Models of the Cosmos
  3. Scientific Models of the Cosmos (part 2, heliocentric)
  4. The Clockwork Universe, and Rise of Physics
  5. The (astro)Physics of Light, Matter and Telescopes
  6. The Planets (part 1, Earth and terrestrial planets)
  7. The Planets (part 2, Jovian planets, evolution of the solar system)
  8. The Sun
  9. The Stars
  10. The Stars (part 2, stellar birth, life and death)
  11. Galaxies and Cosmic Structure
  12. The Big Bang and Cosmology

Note: these lecture webpages are an online supplement to the in-class lectures. They are not a substitute for the textbook nor the lectures themselves. For the most part these pages simply provide additional multimedia material (pictures, movies, interactive demos and links to other astronomy sites) to enhance the course.

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