Lecture 8
The Sun

The closest star


Every culture has revered the Sun

e.g., Aztec sunstones (1, 2) and art (1, 2)


Thermal Radiation and the Blackbody Spectrum

Review physics of Lecture 5 on light:


Blackbody spectrum (Chaisson Section 3.4)

Solar blackbody spectrum

Solar absorption line spectrum



Structure of the Sun

Components I want you to know are Photosphere, Corona, Solar Wind, as well as the Core.
c.f., overall structure (Chaisson Figs 16.2 and 16.7) and propterties (Chaisson Table 16.1)


(2006 Solar eclipse composite showing 3 of the 4 components)






Solar Wind





Chaisson text:

Aztec Tenochtitlan

Curious, albeit apocryphal webpage about the surface of the Sun


Document URL: http://www.uh.edu/~jclarage/astr3131/lectures/8/8.html