CCME Webinar Series Archive - University of Houston
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CCME Webinar Series Archive

The University Of Houston’s Center for Carbon Management in Energy (CCME) is delighted to announce an ongoing webinar series to address a number of key topical areas and issues facing the energy industry. Carbon Management has been identified as a key necessity for the energy transition and for real sustainability for our future. The CCME holds a strategic anchor belief that “true” sustainability requires that the energy produced and consumed must be not only environmentally responsible but also reliable and affordable as well. Carbon Management has any number of strategic thrusts be they engineering and science, business, legal, policy and regulatory impact.

We will explore a series of issues that face carbon management strategies in terms of geopolitics, project development, legal frameworks and any number of challenges and opportunities facing the energy marketplace. The recent global pandemic will surely impact short and longer term actions – as will the global economic conditions we face. Join us and our world leading subject matter experts in our CCME both from the university and the marketplace.