About Subsea Systems Institute
Subsea Systems Institute (SSI) was established in 2015 as a Texas Center of Excellence
under the RESTORE Act and is a collaboration between the University of Houston, Rice
University and Johnson Space Center (NASA). In addition, SSI and the University of
Houston have partnerships with Lone Star Community College, Texas Southern University,
Houston Community College and other colleges to lead research and develop training
and educational programs to accelerate energy related workforce development in critical
areas for the state of Texas.
The purpose of SSI is to focus on offshore energy development, including improving
sustainable/safe development, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico.
Vision and Objectives
- Support economic and workforce development in the State of Texas through collaboration
between research institutions, colleges and industry
- Develop best available technology and risk mitigation practices to positively impact
offshore safety by bringing together NASA, industry and academic expertise
- Provide unbiased third-party validation and establishment of best practices to build
public trust in the sustainable and safe offshore drilling and production operations
in the Gulf of Mexico region and beyond
- Attract and retain talent for jobs and investments in the local, state and national
As a result of the Deep-Water Horizon incident, President Obama signed into law the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies
of the Gulf Coast States Act, otherwise known as the RESTORE Act.
The RESTORE Act established the Restoration Trust Fund, which allocated 2.5% of the
money received in civil penalties to create Centers of Excellence in the five Gulf
Coast states to further Gulf coast science, monitoring and technology.
Then-Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
awarded the funds (roughly $4.1 million) for the Texas Center of Excellence to the
consortium partners of the University of Houston, Rice University, and NASA Johnson
Space Center.

More about SSI