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Introducing Provost Profiles

Dear UH Community,

Student success is at the core of the University of Houston’s mission. Whether it’s in the classroom or our communities, our Cougars are doing some amazing things!

You can learn more about their awards, honors, research and other accomplishments in UH Today, the Cougar or on our colleges’ websites. With so many outstanding stories to share, I also wanted to do my part to spotlight some truly extraordinary students.

Introducing … “Provost Profiles.”

In this monthly video feature, I’ll sit down with Coogs who exemplify both student success and academic excellence.

For my first profile, I had the pleasure of meeting Briana Azad, who recently was among just 20 students nationwide to earn the Phi Beta Kappa Key into Public Service. Briana is double majoring in Psychology and Spanish and a member of the Honors College. Just as she is excelling academically, Briana is quite active with community service projects. As a member of the Bonner Leaders, she is among the leads on the Science Mentoring to Achieve a Richer Tomorrow (SMART) program. As a SMART mentor, she contributes her time and energy to helping Third Ward children learn math and science. Briana also is currently featured among other standout students on UH’s Scholars Walk.

I could write a volume on her accomplishments, but this first edition of “Provost Profiles” can better tell her story!

Diane Z. Chase
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, University of Houston