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Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty Policy

The following policy and procedures are dedicated to all aspects of non-tenure track (NTT) faculty employment at the University of Houston. Any questions arising over the reconciliation of academic policies and procedures as described in these documents shall be within the discretion of the Office of the Provost to determine after appropriate review and consideration.

NTT Policy

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty Policy (Updated May 1, 2022)

Additional Documents

SharePoint Access Information

College NTT representatives receive access at the start of the yearly process. Candidates are given access after the College NTT representative(s) or Faculty Affairs have created the candidate's electronic profile (Face Sheet). The candidate will receive access notification by email.

Department/College representatives receive access upon request from the College NTT representative(s) and will receive access notification by email.

Once the review process begins, college/departmental committee members will be given access upon request from the College NTT representative(s) and will receive access notification by email.

All NTT promotion packages are due to the Provost by March 1, 2024. All other deadlines are determined by the colleges.

Training Information

Training for NTT faculty is held at the beginning of the Fall Semester of the review year for those faculty in the current review cycle.

Please sign up for optional NTT Promotion review training here: 2023-2024 NTT Training Registration Form

Open drop-in Sessions are also held on Fridays in September for both NTT and P&T candidates. Registration for these drop-in sessions is not required.

All questions should be initially addressed to the Office of Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs at or 713-743-9188.