Fans may have been a bit sleepy this morning after a wild, 10-inning World Series game. The five hour, 17 minute game was the second longest in World Series history. But marketing experts from the University of Houston say the Astros Game 5 victory added luster to the brand of a team that had never before reached this far into the championship series.
“All of us wearing Astros hats, shirts, etc. are walking billboards,” said Betsy Gelb, Larry J. Sachnowitz Professor of marketing and entrepreneurship at the UH Bauer College of Business.
Partha Krishnamurthy, professor of marketing and entrepreneurship at Bauer, said the city benefits, too.
“It is a very good thing for the brand, and for the city that has not had much to cheer lately, sports-wise,” he said. “It also takes a bit of attention away from the non-sports news involving sports teams,” including the controversies over football players kneeling during the national anthem.
Gelb and Krishnamurthy are available to talk with media about these and other insights into the impact of the Astros’ winning run. To speak with them, contact Jeannie Kever, or 713-743-0778.