UH Moment: Career Services Prepares Coogs for the Workforce

How personal is to too personal to put in a cover letter? This is just one of the topics covered by University of Houston advisers at University Career Services. They work with students to give them a competitive edge entering the job market.

“You want to avoid personal statements – this is a professional document,” the adviser tells UH Pharmacy student Tracy Enemchukwu.

Adviser“The earlier you start, the more you can prepare yourself,” says Enemchukwu, who began taking advantage of the programs offered early in her academic career at UH.

Career counseling is offered through University Career Services as early as freshman year, when students can take advantage of vocational assessments and career counselors who can help them identify potential careers.

“They really need to look at what their interests are and really look at what kind of careers really fit those interests,” says Theresa Cyr, assistant director of campus recruitment at University Career Services. “That way, they can really be more successful in what they’re doing here at the University and beyond.”

Tracy Enemchukwu says taking advantage of the various services offered by the center has helped her become a better communicator. 

Career ServicesWhen I was a freshman, I was so introverted,” she says. “I was so anti-social I didn’t want to talk to anyone.”

Beyond career assessments and interview coaching, the Career Services Center guides UH students to courses and activities that develop skills, build resumes and can give a competitive edge in the job market.

“I can’t explain how much it helped me,” says Enemchukwu. “I became more organized.”

The center also connects students with professionals in various industries to help them learn how their degrees can be used in different careers.

“We have hosted career panels. Employers come in and explain to students how they can use their degrees in different was.” says Cyr.

To learn more about University Career Services, visit http://www.career.uh.edu/index.cfm