'Love Makes A Family' Photo Exhibit Opens at UH, April 20 - May 4

Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Their Families

The critically acclaimed traveling photo-text exhibit "Love Makes A Family: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Their Families" will be on view at the University of Houston M.D. Anderson Library Wednesday, April 20 through May 4.  The exhibition is free and open to the public.


Galluccio Family

According to Peggy Gillespie, co-founder and director of the Family Diversity Project, exhibition organizer, photographs by Gigi Kaeser depict a variety of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families of all races in familiar family settings. The photos are accompanied by text edited by Gillespie from in-depth interviews she conducted with each family member.  

"I am very excited about bringing the ‘Love Makes a Family' exhibition to the University of Houston campus," said Lorraine Schroeder, director, LGBT Resource Center, University of Houston. "The best way to increase acceptance of any marginalized population is through exposure and these photographs and interviews do just that. Our hope is to make visible LGBT families to people who would not normally have this chance." 


Jang-Otto Family

"‘Love Makes A Family' is one of the best travelling exhibits I have seen," said Ellen Graf, special projects librarian, Boston Public Library. "Never have I seen a group of kids so interested in looking at a photographic exhibit. They read every word of the narratives that accompanied the images. I understood how mesmerized they were because I had the same reaction when I viewed the exhibit. I'm certain that ‘Love Makes a Family' has had a strong, positive influence on everyone who has viewed it. I wish it could travel to every school and library in our country, for it truly is a strong weapon against homophobia."

The exhibition's showing at University of Houston is sponsored by LGBT Resource Center on campus. For more information about the traveling exhibition, please visit http://www.familydiv.org/lovemakesafamily.php


WHAT:     "Love Makes a Family: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Their Families"

April 20 - May 4

The M.D. Anderson Library is open Monday - Friday from 7 - 12:45 a.m., Saturday 8 a.m. - 7:45 p.m., and Sunday 12 p.m. - 12:45 a.m. Library hours may vary. Please call to confirm times at 713-743-1000.


UH M.D. Anderson Library, 3rd Floor

Map: http://www.uh.edu/campus_map/buildings/L.php

WHO:    Designed for audiences of all ages, the exhibition is free and open to the public.

