The Employee Retirement System of Texas (ERS), which manages health and dental insurance plans for state employees and retirees, announced a 6.94 percent increase in health insurance rates for UH faculty and staff with covered dependents.
Full-time employee rates for Blue Cross Blue Shield's HealthSelect plan will increase from $206.03 to $220.32 for member and spouse; $137.95 to $147.52 for member and children and from $343.98 to $367.84 for member and family.
ERS' two dental plans, State of Texas Choice Dental Plan and Humana DHMO (formerly Aetna DMO), also will have rate increases and will have a new administrator, HumanaDental.
A complete breakdown of health and dental rate increases can be found at
Rates for voluntary accidental death and dismemberment, optional term life and dependent term life policies will not increase.
Faculty and staff can make changes to their existing benefit plans or add dependents during open enrollment, which will run July 6 - July 31. Changes, which become effective Sept. 1, can only be made via the ERS Web site at
A benefits fair will be conducted from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Wednesday, July 15 in the University Center's Houston Room. Faculty and staff can meet representatives from benefits providers to learn more about services. Members of UH's human resources staff also will be available to answer questions. The fair also will feature door prizes and free T-shirts while supplies last.