Artists and designers bring meaningful things into the world that did not exist before, through deep inquiry, rigorous questioning, trial and error, discipline and practice. Artists move beyond conventional thinking, challenge tradition and ideology, and invent new ways of imaging the world. Their voices are pluralistic, their concerns wide-ranging, and their forms myriad.
A solid MFA program respects the expansiveness of these practitioners and practices, by placing each student at the center of the MFA experience. To do this, a program must be nimble, its faculty empathic, and its environments supportive. At the University of Houston School of Art, we offer a flexible and intensive program, stellar new MFA facilities including private studios, and world-class faculty to support your inquiry, broaden your investigation, and refine your practice. We value the primacy of each student, the importance of personal expression, and the range and diversity of that expression.
Our three-year MFA Program offers concentrations in Painting, Sculpture, Photography/Digital Media, Graphic Design and Interdisciplinary Practice and Emerging Forms. Built into each of these concentrations is the ability to extend outward by working one-on-one with faculty mentors across the School of Art, or across the University through our Faculty Affiliate Network. This network brings the vast scholarship of a premier research institution to the threshold of the School of Art, in areas ranging from biology, to engineering, to cultural studies, philosophy and beyond.

Image Credit, Top: Elizabeth Gates; Bottom: Mark Chen.