Workplace Reimagined - University of Houston
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CLICK HERE to review the Alternative Work Arrangements Policy

How to Request an Alternative Work Arrangement

  • Step 1

            Complete the required A.W.A. training for your role. After you complete the training, save the “Quiz Pass” email confirmation as your proof of completion.

                    Alternative Work Arrangements Training for Individual Contributors

                    HH2509 – Alternative Work Policy – Staff

                    Alternative Work Arrangements Training for Managers and Supervisors (for staff members with direct reports only)

                    HH2508 – Alternative Work Policy – Managers

            To request in enrollment, log in to P.A.S.S. via AccessUH and request enrollment for the correct course number.

            The training will be available in TAP the next day  for your completion. 

            Review the training in its entirety and complete the quiz to receive credit for the course.

  • Step 2

            Complete an A.W.A. Justification Form and submit to your immediate supervisor to begin the approval process.

  • Step 3

            Complete A.W.A. Request in P.A.S.S. and attach the approved A.W.A. Justification Form in the Attachments section.

            The attached form must include all required signatures.

            Submit the completed A.W.A. Request in P.A.S.S. to your immediate supervisor for approval.                             

  • Step 4

            After the P.A.S.S. request is approved, you may begin working your A.W.A. on the approved start date!

Training Resources

LINKEDin Courses

Be an Effective Hybrid or Virtual Employee

In this course, productivity author and Emmy-winning producer Paula Rizzo shares tips that can help you thrive in this new world of hybrid and fully remote work. Discover what you need to know about establishing a routine, organizing your workweek, and optimizing communication with your boss and colleagues.

Enhance Productivity in a Hybrid Work Environment

Learn how to revamp your productivity style to help you stay on task when switching between locations. Discover how to rethink your physical spaces so that they are mirrored at home and at work, as well as how to prepare both your regular and home office for productivity whenever you're working there. Plus, learn how to stay one step ahead of productivity challenges, including how to deal with new disruptions at home and in the office.

One-Minute Habits for Hybrid and Remote Working Success

Just because the workplace has changed doesn’t mean that you have to give up on cultivating new and meaningful work habits. It may be a bit harder in a fully remote or hybrid environment, but with the right approach, you and your team can still continue to thrive. Join instructor Scott Mautz in this quick, fresh take on impactful one-minute habits that can help you be more successful in an ever-changing workplace.


  • Is this policy for all university of Houston’s staff, faculty and students?

            This policy only applies to staff employees and not to faculty or student workers.

  • What do I need to do to request an alternative work arrangement?

     A staff employee seeking an alternative work arrangment must submit to his/her immediate supervisor a written request. The request must include a proposal of an alternative work arrangement, proposed methods for the completion of all assigned tasks and job responsibilities related to that alternative work arrangement, and means of conducting job-related communications with required individuals.

  • What do I do if my version of Adobe does not allow me to create a digital signature?

             How to Update Adobe Acrobat

             How to Install Adobe Acrobat 

             For additional assistance with Adobe, contact your department's IT staff or UIT.


  • Does this policy allow remote work outside of the state of Texas?

    The off-campus Alternative Work Location for any alternative work arrangement must be located in the State of Texas and also must be reasonably close enough to the University campus so, if necessary, the employee can be physically present at their Regularly Assigned Place of Employment on the same day as needed.

  • Who can approve the alternative work arrangement?

    Approval of an alternative work arrangement will be considered by the employee's immediate supervisor in conjunction with additional management approval(s) as delegated by the responsible Vice President.

  • Who will be responsible for any loss or damage to University equipment and operational costs (i.e. cell phone, maintenance, additional expenses) during the alternative work arrangement?

    The University is not liable for damages to employee-owned equipment being used as part of an alternative work arrangement. The employee is liable for any equipment lost, stolen, or damaged, including negligence, misuse, or abuse.  The University is also not liable for operating costs, home maintenance, or any other incidental costs (e.g. utilities, telephone, insurance) arising out of or relating to the employee’s alternative work arrangement.

  • What type of software and internet will be required during an alternative work arrangement?

    Employee must use only University approved software for connecting with the University’s network (VPN) from their Alternate Work Location and must always run current anti-virus software and follow University security rules, copyright laws, and procedures. Employee is responsible for providing work space, telephone, printing, networking and/or internet capabilities at their Alternate Work Location. Internet access must be via DSL, Cable Modem, or a current bandwidth network.

  • How often will the alternative work arrangement need to be reviewed and/or reassessed?

    Arrangements for an alternative work must be reviewed at least annually to assess continued feasibility in light of any reduction in the employee's productivity, changes in work needs or service to students or internal or external customers.

  • How can the alternative work arrangement be discontinued?

    The University, including the employee’s immediate supervisor can discontinue the employee’s participation in an alternative work arrangement at any time and for any reason. Employees may also request an alternative work arrangement be terminated by providing their immediate supervisor with ten business days’ written notice.

  • Where can I find the Alternative Work Arrangement policy?