Energy and Sustainability Co-Curricular Programming

Energy and Sustainability Co-Curricular Programming
Students interested in issues around energy and sustainability can join the students minoring in Energy and Sustainability and UH faculty as they take excursions and study abroad. These opportunities are open to all University of Houston students, with preference given to students pursuing the minor when spots are limited. Upcoming opportunities will be announced on this website. Check back regularly for updates.
Conference on Food Sustainability and Security
A conference on food sustainability and security will be held November 12-13, 2021. Faculty from the Honors College, the coordinator of UH Sustainability and the director of the PEEPS program in the College of Education are collaborating on this exciting project that will bring together faculty conducting research in this area from a broad variety of disciplines, community leaders, non-profit organizations and businesses to discuss current issues in food sustainability and security. Students will be able to attend the conference.
Conference Schedule*
Wednesday, November 10
Farmer's Market at Lynn Eusan Park
Thursday, November 11
Screening of Food, Inc. at Student Center Theater, in collaboration with UH Student Centers
Screening begins at 6 p.m., followed by panel discussion
Friday, November 12
Saturday, November 13
Register to the attend the Conference on Food Sustainability and Security.
Case Competition:
Students have the opportunities to work in a small group to develop a plan that addresses food sustainability or security in the local community. Winning presenters will be awarded a stipend to implement their solution. Guidelines and rules will be posted here. Check back here for information on the Case Competition for students.