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Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Speakers

Friday, May 6, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 pm (CST Houston-Chicago): Riikka Prattes, Duke University, "Learning through Care: Decentering Dominant Epistemologies to Theorize Caring Men at the 'Center.’" Zoom

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dr.-taylor-flyer2April 26, 2022, 12 - 2:00 PM

The Long Black 1980s: A lunchtime talk with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Farish Hall Room 232





eva-kittayThursday, April 21, 2022, 4:00 – 5:20 pm: Eva Kittay, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University/SUNY “Is Being Human Sufficient for Full Moral Status?” Honors Commons (2nd Floor MD Anderson Library).



Tuesday, April 12, 2 PM
Research and Advocacy in the Environmental Justice Movement
Session 1: Gerald Torres, Yale Law School; Paula Mohai, University of Michigan; Daniel Faber, Northeastern University
Session 2: Sheila Foster, Georgetown Law; Julian Agyeman, Tufts University; David N. Pellow, UC Santa Barbara
Moderator: Andrew Jewett, Elizabeth D. Rockwell Distinguished Visiting Professor

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vpatrickApril 8, 2022: 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Bauer Lunchtime Series on Ethics and Leadership.  Vanessa Patrick Ralhan, Bauer College of Business, “Inclusive Design: An Emerging Trend in Developing New (and Better) Products.” CBB Multipurpose Room. Free pizza will be served.




Thursday, April 7, 4 PM
UH Libraries Elizabeth D. Rockwell Scholar-in-Residence Keynote Address
Rising to the Challenges of a Post-COVID World through the Open-Source Revolution
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Co-hosted with the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics & Leadership
Rockwell Pavilion, M.D. Anderson Library, UH Campus


kristen-ylanaApril 7, 2022, 12:00 – 12:45 pm: The Corner Booth presents Kristen Ylana, Executive Director of the Texas Women’s Health Caucus, “The Puzzle of Women’s Health: How Race, Class, & Gender Intersect in Texas.”

Watch Replay



Wednesday, April 6, 5:30 PM
Race, Health and Justice in the Modern US
“Mapping Value: Structural Racism & Health Consequences,” Jonathan Holloway, president, Rutgers University,
“Race and Science in the Environmental Justice Movement,” Andy Jewett, Hobby School Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center Distinguished Visiting Professor
Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion, M.D. Anderson Library, UH Campus


Headshot of Scott McClellandApril 1, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Keynote Lecture: Scott McClelland, President of H-E-B Food/Drug Stores, “Ethical Leadership.” Rockwell Pavilion. Free pizza will be served.





Headshot of Curtis WesleyMarch 25, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Curtis Wesley, Bauer College of Business, “Do the Right Thing: The Imprinting of Deonance at the Upper Echelons,” CBB Multipurpose Room. Free pizza will be served.




adrianMarch 24, 2022, 12:00 – 12:45 pm: The Corner Booth presents Commissioner Adrian Garcia, “Empowering Civic Engagement in Immigrant Communities.” Watch Replay Here



Headshot of Sue CollinsMarch 10, 2022, 4:00 - 5:30pm: Sue Collins, Notre Dame University, “The Spartan Regime and Its Classical Critics,” Honors Commons. 





The Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership presents:

Headshot of Sarah MunawarMarch 4, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 pm: Sarah Munawar, University of British Columbia, “A Care-Based Epistemology of Islam,” Care Ethics Zoom Lecture Series.

Can you be a Muslim and do political theory in a way that does not come at the expense of your relational responsibilities, witnessing capacities, and situated knowledges? What kinds of responsibilities arise from a care-based epistemology of Islam for Muslim political theorists? Instead of journeying to other shores, I argue that before assuming the “work” of comparative inquiry, we must open up the boundaries of political theory as a tradition and the moral inscrutability of political theorists as subjects. This requires unlearning and disinheriting white-orientated textual sensibilities and orientations of knowing the Muslim Other.  Through embodied tafsir (quranic exegesis), I introduce care as a decolonizing intervention into how we come to know Islam and study Muslim subjectivities and communities in political science. 


Thursday, Feb. 24, 1 PM

“Care Theory: Application for Health Care Professionals,” Maurice Hamington, Portland State University

About the speaker: Maurice Hamington is Professor of Philosophy, and Affiliate Faculty in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, at Portland State University. He has authored or edited twelve books, including five on care ethics, and is currently working on three collected volumes, including two on care ethics. Maurice is a Member of the International Consultants for the Melete Center of Philosophy for Care, University of Verona, and a Steering Committee Member of the International Care Ethics Research Consortium (Utrecht, the Netherlands).

Honors Commons, M.D. Anderson Library


Headshot of Anthony AppiahThursday, February 17, 2:00 – 3:00 pm “Ask the Ethicist” session. Professor will talk about his work as a NY times Ethicist and answer ethics questions from daily life. 

Elizabeth Rockwell Pavilion, MD Anderson Library, University of Houston

4:00 - 5:30 pm "The Lies that Bind" Professor will discuss the history and nature of the identities that define us, including gender, race, religion, class, nationality and culture, to expose the myths behind them. 

Elizabeth Rockwell Pavilion, MD Anderson Library, University of Houston


Headshot of Linda Martin AlcoffFebruary 4, 2022: "Intersectionalizing #MeToo" Linda Martín Alcoff

Friday, Feb. 4th, 2022 at 1PM

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EDR center sponsored, co-sponsored by Women Gender and Sexualities Studies Dept. 


Headshot of Carol GilliganFriday, January 28, 12:00 – 1:30 pm (CST) with feminist philosopher and psychologist Carol Gilligan:

Carol Gilligan, “In a Different Voice: Why Does Nobody Talk About the Abortion Decisions?”  

Watch the replay


Headshot of Stephany MgbadighaJanuary 27, 2022:  “Environmental Justice and Public Health” With Stephany Mgbadigha

Legal & Advocacy Director, Air Alliance Houston

Thursday, January 27, 2022

12:00 – 12:45 pm

Book cover of Care Ethics in the Age of PrecarityFriday, Nov. 19, 2021, 12–1:30 pm (CST): Maurice Hamington + co-authors, Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity (University of Minnesota Press, 2021).





Event flyer of Jasmine Jenkins' talk Thursday, November 18, 12:00 – 12:45 pm: Interview with Dr. Jasmine Jenkins, Executive Director, Houstonians for Great Public Schools (Houston GPS), Zoom Event.

“The Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Educational and Economic Opportunity”



Event flyer of Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids: Policy, Practice, and Equity for Thriving Young Families.
Nov. 11, 2021, 9 am-2 pm
: "Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids: Policy, Practice, and Equity for Thriving Young Families,"


A day of learning and action around topics including addressing the maternal mortality rate in Texas, debate and legislative actions on the Medicaid expansion in Texas, supporting new fathers, social determinants of health and health disparities for young children and new parents, and health equity and outcomes across race and class. An afternoon legislative session will include a roundtable discussion with Rep. Donna Howard (Chair of Women's Health Caucus), Rep. Toni Rose (Sponsor of HB 133 on the expansion of postpartum healthcare), and others.


gelwick-lecture-social flyer 

Thursday, Nov. 4, 4-5:30 pm Richard Gelwick Endowed Lecture. Rashawn Ray (University of Maryland, Brookings Institution) and Richard Epstein (NYU Law, U of Chicago, and Hoover Institution) will debate Black Reparations.

Reparations proponent Rashawn Ray and well-known reparations opponent Richard Epstein conducted a virtual debate moderated by Chauncy Glover, news anchor of Houston’s KTRK ABC13.

reparations-town-hall-for-uhThe event was live-streamed via a UH Zoom platform, as well as offered via KTRK’s digital platforms, including the ABC13 app on ROKU, FireTV, Apple TV and Google TV.

Watch the Replay

ABC 13 Replay 


book cover of Inequalities of Aging by Lizzie Ward

Wednesday, October 27, 12:00 – 1:30 pm: Elana Buch, University of Iowa
Care Ethics Zoom Lecture Series
“Inequalities of Aging.” Commentary: Lizzie Ward, University of Brighton, UK. 

Elana Buch is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Iowa. A sociocultural, medical, and applied anthropologist, is broadly interested in the ways that large-scale sociocultural changes shape and are shaped by everyday practice and intimate relationships and how these together generate forms of social difference and inequality. Her research focuses on how inequality is implicated in the emerging ways that people, families, and states organize kinship, labor, and caregiving in the wake of population aging. 

Her book, Inequalities of Aging: Paradoxes of Independence in American Home Care (2018, NYU Press­) shows how the work that enables a growing number of older adults to age independently also generates profound social inequalities. 

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headshot of Virginia HeldOct. 15, 2021: Virginia Held, "The Ethics of Care and Economic Activity."

Care Ethics Zoom Lecture Series.

Watch Replay


Book cover of challenges to scientific authority in north america: a century of battles over the cultural implications of science in the U.S.Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021, 4-5:20 pm: "Challenges to Scientific Authority in North America: A Century of Battles Over the Cultural Implications of Science in the U.S." with Elizabeth D. Rockwell Distinguished Visiting Professor, Andrew Jewett

Intellectual historian Andrew Jewett is the 2021 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership Distinguished Visiting Scholar. His work explores the intersection of intellectual and political history, with particular attention to the politics of knowledge and engagements between religion and science.

Honors Commons, M.D. Anderson Library


event flyer of racism is a public health crisis with Commissioner Rodney EllisOct 14, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Corner Booth: Commissioner Rodney Ellis "Racism is a Public Health Crisis"

Watch Here


headshot of David KwokFriday, Oct. 8, 2021, 12–1 pm: David Kwok, UH Law Center and 2021 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center Fellow “Federal Prosecution of State Corruption.”, UH Law Center, Zoom presentation.



williams_carolinerandallThursday, Oct 7, 2021, 4 pm–5:20 pm: Elizabeth D. Rockwell Distinguished Lecture and Reception: Caroline Randall Williams, Elizabeth Rockwell Pavilion.

The Body Is the Text - One Woman’s American Narrative. 

When Caroline Randall Williams wrote that her body was a monument, that was only the beginning of the thought. The body does so much work past the work. So much telling past the shape of the thing. From what we feed ourselves, to how we tell the truth of where our bodies have been, what they’ve done, so much can be read on the body, of the body’s story. This talk will explore Professor William’s unique take on American identity through this fresh, embodied lens. 


Headshot of Renee Knake JeffersonMonday, Oct. 4, 12–1:00 pm: Renee Knake Jefferson, “Supreme Court Shortlists and Other Observations on the Opening of the 2021 Term.” Zoom Presentation.

Join University of Houston law professor Renee Knake Jefferson, an inaugural Elizabeth D. Rockwell Faculty Fellow at the Hobby School of Public Affairs, to celebrate the opening day of the 2021 United States Supreme Court term. Professor Jefferson will discuss research from her book Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court and share other observations about what the coming year may hold for the Court.