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Elizabeth D. Rockwell Distinguished Lecture on Ethics and Leadership


Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro will deliver the 2024 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Distinguished Lecture on Ethics and Leadership for the Hobby School of Public Affairs on Oct. 3 at 4 p.m. in the Rockwell Pavilion at the M.D. Anderson Library. Drawing on his experiences as a former presidential candidate, cabinet member in the Obama administration and mayor of San Antonio, Texas, he will define his vision for the future of our country. His campus visit is part of the Future of American Democracy lecture series.

Watch a recording of the event for educational purposes. 


About the Lecture Series

The Elizabeth D. Rockwell Lecture on Ethics and Leadership at the University of Houston was established in 2004. Elizabeth D. Rockwell believed the university should host important discussions about leadership and ethics for students and the university community. The lecture, held annually, brings nationally prominent speakers to campus to discuss important issues of ethics and leadership.


A Student Discussion with Julián Castro

How can you change American politics? Students from across campus are invited to join Julián Castro at The Grand Challenges Forum hosted by the UH Honors College on Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. in The Honors College Commons.