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GHL Journal Rankings

Academic Journal Rankings (Updated 01.24.2024)


A: Ranked Journals (alphabetical order)

Academy of Management Learning & Education

Annals of Tourism Research

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

Current Issues in Tourism

European Journal of Operations Management


Food Control

Food Research International

Frontiers in Microbiology

Harvard Business Review

Human Resource Development Quarterly

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

International Journal of Hospitality Management

International Journal of Human Resource Management

Journal of Applied Microbiology

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Business and Psychology

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research

Journal of Hospitality Tourism Technology

Journal of Service Management

Journal of Service Research

Journal of Services Marketing

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

Journal of Travel Research

LWT Food Science and Technology

Leadership Quarterly

Meat Science

Organizational Dynamics

Psychology & Marketing

The Service Industries Journal

Tourism Analysis

Tourism Economics

Tourism Management

Tourism Management Perspectives


B: Ranked Journals (alphabetical order)

Anatolia: International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research


Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research

Basic and Applied Social Psychology

BMC Research Notes

Coastal Management

Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality 

Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology

Event Management

Food Quality and Preference

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

International Journal of Event and Festival Management

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration

International Journal of Mobile Communications

International Journal of Revenue Management

International Journal of Wine Business Research

Journal of Air Transport Management

Journal of Brand Management

Journal of Business Diversity

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Convention & Event Tourism

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

Journal of Environmental Health

Journal of Food Process Engineering

Journal of Food Protection

Journal of Food Science

Journal of Foodservice Business Research

Journal of Gambling Studies

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (JHTI)

Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management

Journal of Knowledge Management

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Journal of Service Theory and Practice

Letters of Applied Microbiology

Production and Operations Management

Organizational Research Methods


Service Business

Tourism and Hospitality Research


C: Ranked Journals (alphabetical order)

AIMS Agriculture and Food

Atlantic Marketing Journal


British Food Journal

CAB Reviews

Entomological Research

e-Review of Tourism Research

Food Protection Trends

Information Technology & Tourism

Information Technology in Hospitality

International Gambling Studies

International Hospitality Review (Previously Hospitality Review (FIU))

International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems

International Journal of Tourism Sciences

International Journal of Wine Research

Journal of Agriculture and Food Research

Journal of China Tourism Research

Journal of Culinary Science & Technology

Journal of Extension

Journal of Food Products Marketing

Journal of Food Science Education

Journal of Gastronomy & Tourism

Journal of Global Mobility

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

Journal of Hospitality Financial Management

Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education

Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology

Journal of New Business Ideas & Trends

Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management

Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism

Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts

Journal of Visualized Experiments

Journal of Wine Research

Knowledge Management and E-Learning

Marketing Intelligence and Planning

Ocean & Coastal Management

Psychiatry Investigation

The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied

Tourism Management Perspectives

Tourism Review International

Wine Economics and Policy

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes

Young Consumer


Not Ranked (no metrics)

Agriculture, Food and Analytical Bacteriology

Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


Hospitalidad - ESDAI


ICHRIE Research Reports

International Journal of Costume and Fashion

International Journal of Global Business and Economics

International Journal of Hospitality Beverage Management

Journal of Aesthetics Education

Journal of Business Administration Online

Journal of Food Research

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights

Journal of Korean Tourism

Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality


Not Ranked (no consensus)

Group Decision and Negotiation

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice

J. Appl Poultry Res

J. Microb Biochem Technol

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology


Journals on list but no longer published

Journal of the Wine Marketing Institute

The Bottomline