Welcome Message from the Executive Director of IGE

Executive Director,
UH Institute for Global Engagement
The world has become undeniably linked together.
Through our families and friends, our global supply chains and international commerce, our transnational challenges like health and climate, and in so many other ways, we are all interdependent as never before. At the Institute for Global Engagement, we work to prepare all University of Houston students to thrive in this interconnected world.
The Institute for Global Engagement at the University of Houston ensures that UH educates, engages, and leads globally.
With our eye always on maximizing student opportunities, we work closely with all the colleges, schools, centers, and faculties across the University of Houston and with our partners across the city and the world to support and facilitate myriad global opportunities.
There are as many ways to engage as there are students. Whether it is through Learning Abroad, global content in curriculum and academic programs, engagement with our amazing global and diverse local community in Houston and abroad, participation in globally-focused programs on campus or in the city, we support our students’ global engagement in every way possible.
Learn more about the opportunities for you through the website, and start your international journey today! And help us bring UH to the world, and bring the world to UH!
— Michael Pelletier, U.S. Ambassador (ret’d.)
Aspire Initiative Endowed Founding Executive Director, Institute for Global Engagement