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Minority Stress and Career Indecision among LGB College Students

According to minority stress theory (Meyer, 2003), sexual minority individuals are at risk for a higher level of chronic stress due to their sexual minority status. This stress is related to discrimination and stigma, and affects an individual’s self-concept and how the individual relates to others in the world. There is a scarcity of research examining how the experience of minority stress in the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) community relates to the career decision-making process.

The current study seeks to examine how minority stress influences career indecision in LGB college students. Specifically, the minority stress variables of internalized heterosexism, outness, concealment, and discrimination experiences will be examined in relation to four factors representing career indecision: neuroticism, choice/commitment anxiety, lack of readiness, and interpersonal conflict. Social support and community affiliation will be examined as moderators in the relationship between minority stress and career indecision.

This study will be conducted by CORE alumna Colleen Martin and CORE member Kate Winderman, and will be sponsored by Dr. Nathan Grant Smith.