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Jon  Gray

Jon Gray, Ed.D.

Adjunct Lecturer

Office Number: 104K GAR
Phone: 713.743.8494
Fax: 713.743.9860

Email: jgray5@Central.UH.EDU

Mailing Address:
3875 Holman St., Rm 104 Garrison
Houston, TX 77204-6015

Research Interests

Dr. Gray has worked in three Texas school districts and has served as a Teacher, Coach, Assistant Principal, Associate Principal, Principal and Director of Instruction. In higher education, Dr. Gray has served as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Health and Kinesiology. Dr. Gray’s research interests are in educational resilience, teacher effectiveness and physical education pedagogy. Dr. Gray has several publications and has presented research findings at International, National, State, and Regional conferences in his areas of interest.

Recent Publications and Research Activity

Waxman, H.C., Padron, Y.N., & Gray, J.P. (Eds.) (2004). Educational resiliency: student, teacher, and school perspectives. Information Age.

Book Chapters
Gray, J.P. Basic Sentence Structure. (2018). Written for Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine. Publisher: Slack Incorporated.

Gray, J.P. (2004). The relations of teacher education students’ resiliency, work motivation, and school-level resilience. In H.C. Waxman, Y.N. Padron, & J.P. Gray (Eds.), Educational resiliency: student, teacher, and school perspectives. (pp. 175-186). Information Age.

Lopez, T.D., Ledoux, T., & Gray, J.P. (2022). Disordered eating behaviors. Written for Clinical nutrition in athletic training. (pp. 133-139). Publisher: Slack Incorporated.

Waxman, H.C., Gray, J.P., & Padron, Y.N. (2004). Introduction and overview. In H.C. Waxman, Y.N. Padron & J.P. Gray (Eds.), Educational resiliency: student, teacher, and school perspectives. (pp. 3-10). Information Age.

Waxman, H.C., Gray, J.P. & Padron, Y.N. (2004). Promoting educational resilience for students at-risk of failure. In H.C. Waxman, Y.N. Padron & J.P. Gray (Eds), Educational resiliency: student teacher, and school perspectives. (pp.37-62). Information Age.

Waxman, H.C., Gray, J.P., & Padron, Y.N. (2002). Resiliency among students at risk of failure. In S. Stringfield & D. Land (Eds.), Educating at risk students (pp. 29-48).Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.

U.S. Department of Education Reports
Waxman, H.C., Gray, J.P., & Padron, Y.N. (2003). Review of research on educational resilience. Center for Applied Linguistics.

Waxman, H.C., Connell, M.L., & Gray, J.P. (2002, December). A quantitative synthesis of recent research on the effects of teaching and learning with technology on student outcomes. Naperville, IL: North Central Regional Laboratory.

Journal Articles
Gray, J., Arlinghaus, K., and Johnston, C. (2018). The Potential Contribution of Current Health Care Zeitgeists to the Success of Health and Wellness Coaches. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. doi: 10.1177/1559827618792496.

Simpson, C., Gray, J., Waldrep, S. & Gaus, M. (2008). Families and caregivers: Working together to create healthier lifestyles. Dimensions of Early Childhood: Journal of the Southern Early Childhood Association.

Gaus, M., Gray, J, & Wendt, J. (2007). Fitness indicators, activity engagement, and activity intensity: A comparison of traditional and block scheduling in physical education. TAHPERD Journal.


B.S. in Exercise & Sport Studies at Tarleton State University, 1993

M.S. in Educational Administration at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, 1997

Ed.D. in Physical Education at University of Houston, 2001

Post-doc in School Reform at The Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence (CREDE), University of Houston, 2002