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Sally  Paulson

Sally Paulson, Ph.D.

Instructional Associate Professor

Office Number: 104A GAR
Phone: 713.743.3239
Fax: 713.743.9860


Mailing Address:
3875 Holman St., Rm 104 Garrison
Houston, TX 77204-6015

Download Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

My research interests have primarily focused on the exploration of dual-task walking, functional fitness, muscular power, balance, and cognitive health among older adults.

Recent Publications and Research Activity

Jones, M.D., Campitelli, A., Gills, J.L., Urbina, R., Rodgers, C., Kempkes, J.A., Paulson, S., Glenn, J.M., Bryk, K.N., Myers, J.R., Madero, E.N., & Gray, M. (2024). Effects of 1-year of health coaching and health education interventions in middle-aged and older adults. Global Journal of Aging & Geriatric Research 3(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.33552/GJAGR.2024.03.000551

Myers, J.R., Bryk, K.N., Madero, E.N., McFarlane, J., Campitelli, A., Gills, J., Jones, M.D., Paulson, S., Gray, M., & Glenn, J.M. (2024). Initial perspectives from rural-residing adults on a digital cognitive health coaching intervention: An exploratory qualitative analysis. JMIR Formative Research. 09/02/2024:51400 (forthcoming/in press). DOI: 10.2196/51400

Paulson, S., Gills, J.L., Campitelli, A., Jones, M.D., Glenn, J.M., Madero, E.N., Myers, J.R., Vincenzo, J.L., Walter, C., & Gray, M. (2023). Cross-sectional study examining differences in habitual and maximal gait velocity across age groups. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Jun 1, 1-7. doi: 10.1123/japa.2022-0085. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37263599

Wood, D., Paulson, S., Nolan, J., Spanyer, J., Harm, R., & Heis, F. (2023). Risk factors predicting conversion to knee arthroplasty following subchondroplasty procedure. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,481(8), 1543-1505. doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002557

Campitelli, A., Gills, J.L., Jones, M.D., Paulson, S., Myers, J., Bryk, K., Madero, E.N., Glenn, J.M., Rodgers, C.H., Kempkes, J.A., & Gray, M. (2023). The effect of a digital health coaching and health education protocol on cognition in adults at-risk for Alzheimer’s. GeroScience, 45, 1147-1159. doi: 10.1007/s11357-022-00711

Abstract presentations

Kremer, A, Paulson S, Harm R, Helton S, Morris-Panko D, Browning T. Subsequent injuries characteristics following a sports-related concussion among high school athletes. Accepted as a poster presentation at American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, June 2024, Boston, MA*

Urbina, RG, Jones M, Campitelli A, Paulson S, Glenn J, Bryk K, Gills J, Gray M. 2-year health improvement interventions improve cognition among adults aged 45-75 at risk for Alzheimer's Disease. Accepted as a poster presentation at American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, June 2024, Boston, MA*

Paulson S, Gray M, Jones MD, Campitelli A, Diehl C, Bryk K, Glenn JM, Gills J. No difference in subjective sleep measurements between middle-aged and older adults. Accepted as a poster presentation at Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, November 2023, Tampa, FL†

Gray M, Paulson S, Gills JL, Jones MD, Campitelli A, Urbina R, Bryk K, Glenn JM. Health coaching improves everyday cognition among individuals at-risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Accepted as an oral presentation at Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, November 2023, Tampa, FL†

Paulson S, Harm R, Helton S, Morris-Panko- D, Browning T. Subsequent injuries following a sports-related concussion in high school athletes: a case series. Abstract accepted a poster presentation at National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, July 2023, Las Vegas, NV*


B.S. in Sports Medicine at University of Detroit Mercy, 1999

M.A. in Physical Education, Athletic Training at California State University, Chico, 2001

Ph.D in Kinesiology at University of Arkansas, 2005