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The Center for Economic Growth and Opportunity (CEGO) conducts research on the conditions that allow individuals, economies, and societies to thrive. This research occurs both through in-house projects initiated by our faculty affiliates and through partnerships with institutions and agencies to study issues and policies of interest to the community. As Houston is embedded in a larger global economy, CEGO conducts research at many levels: local, national, and international. The center has two primary functions. First, it serves to coordinate research activities and share expertise across projects to make the most efficient use of resources and identify policies or interventions that can be brought to different contexts. Second, it provides a forum for affiliated faculty to share their research in non-technical formats with community members so that those policies and interventions can be understood and implemented.

If you have questions about CEGO or would like to discuss a partnership to study a specific topic please don’t hesitate to contact any of the faculty affiliates.