

Houston’s brand of photography strives for an in-the-moment feeling. We use images captured from unexpected angles or vantage points to create a candid feel. Portraits especially should show the confidence and focus of the subject without feeling staged. The lighting should give the photographs an overall warmth, and help them drive the aspirational tone.

examples of portraits

Action/Group shots

Using more candid shots is what makes the brand’s photography feel approachable. It has a tonal warmth while still showing a confidence in the subjects. The lighting and lens flares demonstrate the brand’s aspirational ideals.

examples of action/group photography

Campus/Object shots

Unexpected angles are employed in the campus shots as well. This type of photography should be more staged and laid out with intention unlike the photographs with human subjects.

examples of campus/object photography

Photography Don’ts

It’s helpful to see the great shots, but it’s also important to know what to avoid when capturing photography. Here are some photography don’ts.

examples of photography dont's.

× Dated Technology × Inauthentic

examples of photography dont's.

× Forced Diversity / Too Staged × Too Staged / Photo Aware Ruins Candidness