Faculty Profile - University of Houston
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Faculty Profile

William DupreWilliam Dupre

Associate Professor of Geology, Undergraduate Advisor, Sedimentology

Curriculum Vitae

Office: Science & Research 1, 225
Contact: wdupre@uh.edu - 713-743-4987

Education: Ph.D., Geology, Stanford University, 1975
M.S., Hydrology, Stanford University, 1974
M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 1970
B. S. University of Texas at Austin, 1968

My primary research interest is the study of the erosional and depositional processes by which the presentlandscape has formed. I am especially interested in the way man affects and is affected by the geologic processes andlandforms that define his local geological environment. Much of my research in the past has focused on better defining the level of geologic risk in areas of critical concern, such as the coastal zone. Such studies include:

  1. Assessing the potential for faulting and susceptibility for liquefaction of sediments in the central California coastal region;
  2. Defining the potential geological hazards associated with offshore drilling near the Yukon Delta, Alaska;
  3. Evaluating the relative shoreline stability of the shoreline along the upper Texas coast zone, including the effects of hurricanes;
  4. Studying the role of changing land use in affecting the frequency and magnitude of flooding.

Recently, I have begun to work more closely with elementary and secondary school science teachers, to help provide them with a stronger background in the earth sciences.

  • Owen K. Mason and W. R. Dupré, 1999, Was the Yukon Delta Uninhabitable until 3000 years ago? The Interplay of Neoglacial Storms, Yukon River and Sea Level Changes; to be given at the Annual meeting of the Alaska AnthropologicalAssociation
  • Dupre´, W. R. and Evans, I., 1999, Attempts at Improving Quantitative Problem-Solving Skills in Large-Lecture-Format Introductory Geology Classes; Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Tinsley, J. C. III (1998), Evaluation of liquefaction hazard mapping in the Monterey Bay area, California: in: Holzer, T.H. (ed) The Loma Prieta Earthquake of October 17, 1989, vol 2; U.S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 1551-B., p.B273-
  • Clark, J.C., Dupre´, W.R., and Rosenberg, L.I., 1997, Geologic map of the Monterey and Seaside 7.5-minute quadrangles, Monterey County, California: a digital database; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-30; 45 p., 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Snyder, W.S., and Dupre´, W.R., 1996, Geomorphic effects of a high magnitude flood in southeast Texas; Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers 92nd Annual Meeting, Charlotte, N.C., p. 277.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and W. Scott Snyder (1996), Erosion and deposition associated with the 1994 flooding along the San Jacinto River,upper Texas Coastal plain; Proceedings 31st Annual Conf. American Water Resources Association
  • Tinsley, J.C., and Dupre´, W.R., 1992, Geologic aspects of liquefaction-induced ground-failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the 10/17/89 Loma Prieta Earthquake; Proceedings of Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research, Earthquake Engi
  • Tinsley, J. C. and Dupre´, W.R., (1992), Liquefaction hazard mapping, depositional facies, and lateral spreading ground failure in the Monterey Bay area, central California; in: Hamada, M. and O'Rourke, T.D. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th Annual Japan-U.S.
  • Tinsley, J.C., and Dupre´, W.R., 1992, Geologic aspects of liquefaction-induced ground-failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the 10/17/89 Loma Prieta Earthquake; Proceedings of Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research, Earthquake Engin
  • Dupre´, W.R., Marshall, C.L., and Young, C.D., 1991, Seasonal variations in beach and nearshore morphology, Galveston-Freeport area, Texas; in: Proc.12th Ann GCSSEPM Research Conference - Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Smith, S. J., and Dupre´, W.R., 1991, Geographic and seasonal variations in coastal sediments and morphology along the upper Texas coast; in: Proc.12th Annual G.C.S.S.E.P.M. Research Conference - Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Dupre´, W.R. and others (1991), Quaternary geology of the Pacific margin; in: Morrison, R.B. (ed), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S.: Boulder, Colorado, Geologic Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-2, chapter 7, p.141-214
  • Crane, J.H., Sheriff, R.E., and Dupre´, W.R. (1990), Late Pleistocene to recent sedimentation and stratigraphy of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, Offshore Louisiana; Abstracts of Annual Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mtg, San Francisco, Ca.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Tinsley, J. C. III (1990), Geologic controls on liquefaction-induced ground failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the Loma Prieta Earthquake, October 19, 1989; Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Geologic Society of Ame
  • Dupre´, W.R. and others (1991), Quaternary geology of the Pacific margin; in: Morrison, R.B. (ed), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S.: Boulder, Colorado, Geologic Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-2, chapter 7, p.141-214

Complete Publications

Master's Thesis And Doctoral Dissertation

  • Dupre´, W.R. (1970), Geology of the Zambrano Quadrangle, Honduras, Central America; unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 128 p.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1975), Quaternary History of the Watsonville Lowlands, Monterey Bay Region, California; unpub. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 136 p.


  • Dupre´, W.R. (1970), Zambrano Quadrangle - Mapa Geologico de Honduras; Instituto Geographico Nacional, 1:50,000 scale.
  • Ritter, J.R. and Dupre´, W.R. (1972), Maps showing areas of potential inundation bt tsunami in the San Francisco Bay Region, California; San Francisco Bay Region Environmental and Resource Planning Study, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-480
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1975), Maps showing geology and liquefaction potential of the Quaternary deposits in Santa Cruz County, California; U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-626, 2 sheets at 1:62,500.
  • Hall, N.T., Sarne-Wojeicki, A.M., and Dupre´, W.R., (1975), Faults and potential their potential hazards in Santa Cruz County, California; U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-625, 3 sheets at 1:62,500.
  • Hunter, R.E., Sallenger, A. H., and Dupre´, W.R., (1979), Maps showing direction of longshore sediment transport along the Alaska Bering Sea coast; U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1049, 7 p. and 5 sheets at 1:250,000
  • Dupre´, W.R. and Thompson, R., (1979), The Yukon delta: a model for deltaic sedimentation in an ice dominated environment; Proceedings of the 11th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, p. 656-664.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Clifton, H.E., (1979), Modern and ancient coastal facies, Monterey Bay California; Field trip guide, Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, 50 p.
  • Dupre´, W.R., Clifton, H.E., and Hunter, R.E., (1980), Modern sedimentary facies of the open Pacific coast and Pleistocene analogs from Monterey Bay, California; in: Field, M.E. and others (eds), Quaternary Depositional Environments of the Pacific Coast; Pacific Section, S.E.P.M., Los Angeles, p. 105-120.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Tinsley, J.C. III, (1980), Maps showing the Quaternary geology and liquefaction potential of parts of northern Monterey and southern Santa Cruz Counties; California; U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-1199, 2 sheets at 1:62,500.
  • Klein, J.P., and Dupre´, W.R., (1980), Depositional environments of Quaternary peats, Yukon delta, Alaska; in: Carter, L.M. (ed), Proceedings of the Forth Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal; Resource Series 10, Colorado Geological Survey, Denver, p.14-16.
  • Ray, V.M. and Dupre´, W.R. (1981), the ice-dominated regimen of Norton Sound and adjacent areas of the Bering Sea; in: Hood, D.W., and Calder, J.A. (ed), The Eastern Bering Sea Shelf: Oceanography and Resoures-Vol 1; U.S. Dept. Commerce - NOAA Publication, Govt. Printing Office, p. 263-278.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1982), Depositonal environments of the Yukon delta, northeastern Bering Sea; Geologie en Mijnbouw, v. 61, p. 63-70.
  • Nelson, C.H., and Dupre´, W.R., Field, M.E., and Howard, J.D., (1982), Variation in sand body types on the eastern Bering Sea epicontinental shelf; Geologie en Mijinbow, v.61, p.37-48.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1984), Reconstruction of paleo-wave conditions during the late Pleistocene from marine terrace deposits, Monterey Bay, California; Marine Geology, v.60, p.435-454 .
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1985), Geologic effects of Hurricane Alicia (August 18, 1983) on the upper Texas coast; Transactions Gulf Coast Assoc. Geological Societies, v.35, p. 353-359.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1990), Maps showing geology and liquefaction susceptibility of Quaternary deposits in the Monterey, Seaside, Spreckles, and Carmel Valley Quadrangles, Monterey County, California; U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF 2096, 2 sheets (w/text)-1:24,000 scale.
  • Dupre´, W.R., (1990), Quaternary geology of the Monterey Bay region, California; in: Greene et al (eds), Geology and Tectonics of the Central California Coast Range, San Francisco to Monterey - volume and Guidebook; Pacific Section-AAPG, p.185-193.
  • Dupre´, W.R. and others (1991), Quaternary geology of the Pacific margin; in: Morrison, R.B. (ed), Quaternary nonglacial geology; Conterminous U.S.: Boulder, Colorado, Geologic Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-2, chapter 7, p.141-214.
  • Tinsley, J. C. and Dupre´, W.R., (1992), Liquefaction hazard mapping, depositional facies, and lateral spreading ground failure in the Monterey Bay area, central California; in: Hamada, M. and O'Rourke, T.D. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th Annual Japan-U.S. Workshop on earthquake resistant design of lifeline facilities and countermeasures for soil liquefaction; Honolulu, vol. 1, p. 71-86.
  • Tinsley, J.C., and Dupre´, W.R., 1992, Geologic aspects of liquefaction-induced ground-failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the 10/17/89 Loma Prieta Earthquake; Proceedings of Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, San Francisco, Feb 2, 1992.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and W. Scott Snyder (1996), Erosion and deposition associated with the 1994 flooding along the San Jacinto River,upper Texas Coastal plain; Proceedings 31st Annual Conf. American Water Resources Association
  • Clark, J.C., Dupre´, W.R., and Rosenberg, L.I., 1997, Geologic map of the Monterey and Seaside 7.5-minute quadrangles, Monterey County, California: a digital database; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-30; 45 p., 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Tinsley, J. C. III (1998), Evaluation of liquefaction hazard mapping in the Monterey Bay area, California: in: Holzer, T.H. (ed) The Loma Prieta Earthquake of October 17, 1989, vol 2; U.S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 1551-B., p.B273-285.


  • Dupre´, W.R., and Boyer, R.E. (1969), Geologic applications of Gemini photographs over Texas and northern Mexico; Texas Journal of Science.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1974), A model of Quaternary sedimentation along a tectonically active coastline, Monterey Bay region, California; Geol. Soc. America Abstracts w/programs, v.6, no.2, p.169-170.
  • Dupre´, W.R.(1977), Terraces, tectonics, and climatic change in the Monterey Bay region, California; Geol. Soc. America Abstracts w/programs, Cordilleran Section, Sacramento, California.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1977), Late Quaternary history of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta complex, Alaska; Geol. Soc. America, Abstracts w/programs, Cordillera Section, Sacramento, California.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1977), The Yukon delta: onshore impacts of offshore oil; Geol. Soc. America abstracts w/programs, v.9, no.7, p. 959-960.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1979), Geology and land-use planning in California: a question of seismic risk; Geol. Soc. America abstracts w/programs, v.11, no.3, p.76.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1979), Seasonal variations in deltaic sedimentation on a high-latitude, epicontinental shelf; Proc. of the International Meeting on Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea Basin, International Association of Sedimentologists, Trexel, The Netherlands.
  • Nelson, C.H., Field, M.E., and Dupre´, W.R., (1979), Linear sand bodies on the Bering Sea epicontinental shelf; Proc. of the International Meeting on Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea Basin, International Association of Sedimentologists, Trexel, The Netherlands.
  • Dupre´, W.R. and Nelson, C.H. (1979), A comparison of an ice-dominated and tide-dominated delta on the Bering epicontimental shelf, Alaska; Geological Soc. America Annual Meeting, abstracts w/programs, v.11, p.418.
  • Dupre´, W.R., Clifton, H.E., and Hunter, R.E., (1980), Modern and ancient cooastal sedimentary facies, Monterey Bay, California; American Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v.64, no.3, p.440.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1982), Reconstruction of paleo-wave conditions from Pleistocene marine terrace deposits, Monterey Bay, California; Proc. 11th International Congress on Sedimentology, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1984), Patterns of erosion and sedimentation associated with Hurricane Alicia (Aug. 18, 1983), Proc. American Soc. Civil Engineers, Dallas, Texas
  • Dupre´, W.R. (1985), The role of ice in controlling sedimentation on the Yukon delta; Abstracts of the 14th Arctic Workshop, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, p.42-43.
  • O'Brien, W.D. Jr. and Dupre´, W.R., (1988), Source area, depositional environment, and composition of Quaternary sands, Monterey Bay, California; Abstracts of Annual Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mtg, Houston, Texas., AAPG Bull, v.72, p.23.
  • Crane, J.H., Sheriff, R.E., and Dupre´, W.R. (1990), Late Pleistocene to recent sedimentation and stratigraphy of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, Offshore Louisiana; Abstracts of Annual Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mtg, San Francisco, Ca., AAPG Bull. v.74, p.635.
  • Dupre´, W.R., and Tinsley, J. C. III (1990), Geologic controls on liquefaction-induced ground failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the Loma Prieta Earthquake, October 19, 1989; Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Geologic Society of America, Dallas, TX., p. A-188
  • Dupre´, W.R., Marshall, C.L., and Young, C.D., 1991, Seasonal variations in beach and nearshore morphology, Galveston-Freeport area, Texas; in: Proc.12th Ann GCSSEPM Research Conference - Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Smith, S. J., and Dupre´, W.R., 1991, Geographic and seasonal variations in coastal sediments and morphology along the upper Texas coast; in: Proc.12th Annual G.C.S.S.E.P.M. Research Conference - Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Tinsley, J.C., and Dupre´, W.R., 1992, Geologic aspects of liquefaction-induced ground-failure in the Monterey Bay area, California, during the 10/17/89 Loma Prieta Earthquake; Proceedings of Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, San Francisco, Feb 2, 1992.
  • Snyder, W.S., and Dupre´, W.R., 1996, Geomorphic effects of a high magnitude flood in southeast Texas; Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers 92nd Annual Meeting, Charlotte, N.C., p. 277.
  • Dupre´, W.R., 1997, Developing introductory labs of local interest; Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Owen K. Mason and W. R. Dupré, 1999, Was the Yukon Delta Uninhabitable until 3000 years ago? The Interplay of Neoglacial Storms, Yukon River and Sea Level Changes; to be given at the Annual meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association
  • Dupre´, W. R. and Evans, I., 1999, Attempts at Improving Quantitative Problem-Solving Skills in Large-Lecture-Format Introductory Geology Classes; Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.

Technical Reports

  • Dupre´, W.R. and Hopkins, D.M., 1976, Yukon Delta coastal processes study: Annual Report; in: Environmental Assessment of the Alaska Continental Shelf, vol. 13, P.I. Reports for the year ending March, 1976; Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO, 35 p.
  • Dupre´, W.R., 1977, Yukon Delta coastal processes study: Annual Report; in: Environmental Assessment of the Alaska Continental Shelf, P.I. Reports for the year ending March, 1977; Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO, 44 p.
  • Dupre´, W.R., 1978, Yukon Delta coastal processes study: Annual Report; in: Environmental Assessment of the Alaska Continental Shelf, vol. 11, P.I. Reports for the year ending March, 1978; Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO, 60p.
  • Dupre´, W.R., 1979, Yukon Delta coastal processes study: Annual Report; in: Environmental Assessment of the Alaska Continental Shelf, P.I. Reports for the year ending March, 1979; Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO, 62 p.
  • Dupre´, W.R., 1980, Yukon Delta coastal processes study: Final Report; in: Environmental Assessment of the Alaska Continental Shelf, P.I. Reports for the year ending March, 1980; Environmental Research Labs, Boulder, CO, 78p.

Graduate Dissertations and Theses Previously Supervised/Advisor's Alumnae Locator

  1. Elinor Handman - An Assessment of Water Quality in the Quinnipiac River Basin, Connecticut; M.A. (Wesleyan University), completed 5/76
  2. Verna Ray - The Ice-Dominated Regimen of the Norton Sound - Yukon Delta Region, Alaska; Senior Honor's thesis, completed 6/78
  3. Wilbert Gaston - Paleohydrology of Late Pleistocene Fluvial Sediments in the Houston-Galveston Region, Texas; M.S., completed 8/79
  4. John Klein - Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Depositional Setting of Recent Peat Deposits, Yukon Delta, Alaska; M.S., completed 12/80
  5. Andrew Eyre - Geomorphology and Historical Evolution of Bolivar Roads, Texas Coastal Zone; M.S. completed 5/84
  6. Daniel McQuillen - Sand Body Geometry and Facies Distribution of a Flood-Tidal Delta, Brown Cedar Cut, East Matagorda Bay, Texas; M.S. completed 5/84
  7. Rodney Thompson -Sedimentology of the Yukon Delta, Alaska; M.S. completed 6/84
  8. William O'Brien - Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Composition of Quaternary Marine, Eolian, and Fluvial Sands, Monterey Bay, California; M.S. completed 8/86
  9. Phyllis Radack - Wave- and Fluvial-dominated Deltaic Deposits of the Cerro Huerta and Canon del Tule Formations (Upper Cretaceous), Northeastern Mexico; M.S. completed 9/86
  10. Garrett Hodne - Seismic Stratigraphy of Lower Miocene Deltaic Deposits, Offshore Texas; Plan II M.S. completed 2/87
  11. Clint Marshall - Temporal and Geographic Variations in Beach Morphology, Follet's Island, Texas; Plan II M.S. completed 8/88
  12. Stephanie Jones Smith - Geographic Variations of Modern Coastal Sands Along the Upper Texas Gulf Coast; M.S. completed 5/89
  13. Linda Ho - Effect of Coastal Construction on Beach Morphodynamics; M.S. completed 5/90.
  14. Eugene Beard - Late Pleistocene to Recent Sedimentation and Eustatic Sea Level Changes on the Louisiana Outer Continental Shelf; M.S. completed 11/92
  15. Eleanor Cozier-Abdulah - Depositional History of the Seven Sisters, Field, Upper Wilcox, South Texas; M.S. completed 5/96
  16. Scott Snyder - Erosion and Deposition Along the Lower San Jacinto River during the October 1994 Flood, Southeast Texas. M.S. to be completed 5/96
  17. Johnny Kennedy - Stratigraphic Evidence for the Occurrence of Flooding on the Brazos River, Old River Ranch Meander Bend, Burleson County, Texas, M.S. completed 5/99
  18. Roxanne Herrera - Morphology and Stratigraphy of a Coarse-grained Point Bar on the West Fork San Jacinto River, Montgomery County, Texas; M.S. completed 5/99

Funded Projects

(* indicates project not funded through the University of Houston)

  1. Yukon Delta Coastal Processes Study:
    Funded by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    *FY 76-79 $95,000
  2. Seismic Hazards in the Southern Monterey Bay Region, California
    Funded by: United States Geological Survey, Environmental Geology Branch
    *FY 79-82 $47,000
  3. Student Research Projects in the Texas Coastal Zone
    Funded by: University of Houston Coastal Center
    FY 78-94 $22,675
  4. Geologic Effects of Hurricane Alicia
    Funded by: United States Corps of Engineers
    FY 84 $6,000
  5. Evaluation of a Cyclic Depletion Process for Obtaining High Oil Recovery in Heterogeneous Reservoirs Which Show Very Low Waterflood Recovery. (with E. Claridge, co-P.I.)
    Funded by: Texas Advanced Technology Program (ATP)
    FY 89-90 $100,610
  6. Geologic Controls on Liquefaction During the Loma Prieta Earthquake
    Funded by: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake and Engineering Branch
    *FY90-92 $30,000
  7. Summer Workshops in Energy Resources and in the Ocean/Atmospheric System
    Funded by Eisenhower Higher Education Grants Program
    May 1, 1992 - Nov. 1, 1992 $38,945
    FY 92-93 $47,300
    FY 93-94 $76,143
    FY 94-95 $56,445
  8. Development of an Earth Systems Course for prospective teachers
    Funded by the Environmental Institute of Houston
    Summer 1994 $7,878