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Alin Fumurescu

Fumurescu is an associate professor in the department of political science. His research interests include history of ideas, Early Modernity and political and self-representation. He received his doctorate from Indiana University – Bloomington, and he is the recipient of the American Political Science Association’s Leo Strauss Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of political philosophy. His book, "Compromise – A Political and Philosophical History" (Cambridge University Press 2013, paperback 2014), has been nominated among Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles, 2013: Top 25 Books. It has been translated in Chinese and Romanian. Its sequel was "Compromise and the American Founding: The Quest for the People's Two Bodies" (Cambridge University Press 2019, paperback 2021). Together with the former graduate student, Anna Marisa Schoen, Fumurescu also co-edited "Foundations of American Political Thought: Readings and Commentary" (Cambridge University Press 2021).

Prior to coming to Houston, Fumurescu was a post-doctoral fellow and visiting assistant professor in the department of political science and Yale’s Center for the Study of Representative Institutions, Yale University.