Resources Here

Divisions and Newsletter

Information on SWIP-L, The SWIP electronic discussion list

The History of SWIP

Articles, Reading Lists, Bibliographies

A List of Course Syllabi

Women Philosophers

Some Statistics on Women in Philosophy

Conferences and Calls for Papers

Resources Elsewhere

Feminist Theory Resources

SWIP Members' Home Pages (Add yours!)

SWAP (Society for Women's Advancement in Philosophy)

Feminist and Progressive Links

Feminist Philosophy Journals/Groups/Sites

Women's/Gender/Gay and Lesbian Studies

Start-up guide to the Internet, with links and much more.

Philosophy Web Sites

Listserves and Lists

Visitors since 17 January, 1997

 Society for Women in Philosophy
Welcome to the the home page of the Society for Women in Philosophy. This page receives roughly 1000 requests per week.

The Society for Women in Philosophy was started in 1972 to promote and support women in philosophy. SWIP holds divisional meetings, meetings in conjunction with the meetings of the American Philosophical Association, and it publishes newsletters.

NOTE: This page is maintained on a purely voluntary basis by Dr. Cynthia Freeland. She cannot always respond immediately to your queries or suggestions, but will try to do so eventually. If you would like to volunteer to maintain some related pages (we could use pages to cover calls for papers or job listings), please write to let her know and she will be happy to share the load.
Send queries or suggestions to CFreeland@UH.EDU.

NEW! Feminist Philosophy Blog

SWIP Spring '07 Newsletter

New! Why are Women only 21% of Philosophy?

APA Status of Women Report, session on the status of women in philosophy at Central Division 2007 APA, report on Berit Broggards' blog

Sally Haslanger's paper for the session, "Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy" (downloads as pdf file)

Additional course syllabi for Feminist Theory, etc. courses. Check them out, and/or send in your own!


Interested in joining SWIP? You must join a division. See the column at the top left titled "Divisions and Newsletter." Information may be found by following that link.

Are you from an organization wishing to purchase our mailing list? Please write to the Newsletter Editor, Chris Cuomo. Note that you can only be listed on our mailing list if you are a MEMBER of SWIP and if your DUES ARE CURRENTLY PAID. Please do not request to be on the list otherwise, because it we wish to maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of our actual members.

Chris Cuomo
Editor, SWIP Newsletter
Director, Institute for Women's Studies
Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
cuomo at

On-Line Articles of Interest

Obituary for Iris Marion Young

NEW! "Feminist Friendly Graduate Programs in Philosophy, a collective list compiled by Kathryn J. Norlock (with contributions from others), on Wikipedia

Women in Philosophy, a discussion on Wikipedia of the difficulty of ascertaining the exact percentages of women in philosophy.

Percentages of Tenured and Tenure-Track Women Faculty at 98 Doctoral Programs in Philosophy, maintained by Professor Julie Van Camp, Cal State Long Beach

"How Feminism Is Re-writing the Philosophical Canon",
by Charlotte Witt

"Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", by Elizabeth Anderson Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Look under "F" in their Index for more articles on feminist philosophy.)

HIPPIAS Limited Area Search of Philosophy on the Internet

Please send any comments or suggestions to CFreeland@UH.EDU

Internet Guide