UH Majors for Different Career Paths
- Accounting (BUS)
- Advertising (CLASS)
- Construction Management (TECH)
- Economics (CLASS)
- Entrepreneurship (BUS)
- Finance (BUS)
- Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
- Human Resources Development (TECH)
- Integrated Communication (CLASS)
- Journalism, Print Media or Broadcast (CLASS)
- Kinesiology, Sports Administration (CLASS)
- Management (BUS)
- Marketing (BUS)
- Mathematical Finance (NSM)
- Media Production (CLASS)
- Media Studies (CLASS)
- Organizational Leadership and Supervision (TECH)
- Organizational/Corporate Communication (CLASS)
- Retailing and Consumer Science (TECH)
- Supply Chain and Logistics Technology (TECH)
- Supply Chain Management (TECH)
- Computer Engineering (ENGR)
- Computer Engineering Technology (TECH)
- Computer Information Systems (TECH)
- Computer Science (NSM)
- Digital Media (TECH)
- Electrical Engineering (ENGR)
- Electrical Power Engineering Technology (TECH)
- Graphic Design (COTA)
- Liberal Studies (CLASS)
- Management Information Systems (BUS)
- Mathematics (NSM)
- Art (COTA)
- Dance (COTA)
- English-Creative Writing (CLASS)
- Interior Architecture (ARCH)
- Liberal Studies (CLASS)
- Management (BUS)
- Marketing (BUS)
- Media Production Communication (CLASS)
- Media Studies Communication (CLASS)
- Music (COTA)
- Painting (COTA)
- Teaching and Learning (EDUC)
- Theater, Acting, Stage Management, Playwriting/Dramaturgy, Production, Theatre Education (COTA)
- Economics (CLASS)
- Human Development & Family Studies (EDUC)
- Kinesiology, Fitness & Sports (CLASS)
- Mathematics (NSM)
- Mathematical Biology (NSM)
- Political Science (CLASS)
- Psychology (CLASS)
- Public Policy (HOBBY)
- Sociology (CLASS)
- Teaching & Learning (EDUC)
- Accounting (BUS)
- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (ENGR)
- Earth Science (NSM)
- Economics (CLASS)
- Electrical Power Engineering Technology (TECH)
- Environmental Science (NSM)
- Finance (BUS)
- Geology (NSM)
- Geophysics (NSM)
- History (CLASS)
- Management (BUS)
- Mechanical Engineering (ENGR)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (TECH)
- Organizational/Corporate Communication (CLASS)
- Organizational Leadership and Supervision (TECH)
- Petroleum Engineering (ENGR)
- Political Science (CLASS)
- Public Policy (HOBBY)
- Supply Chain and Logistics Technology (TECH)
- Supply Chain Management (BUS)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Biomedical Engineering (ENGR)
- Biotechnology (TECH)
- Civil Engineering (ENGR)
- Construction Management (TECH)
- Environmental Design (ARCH)
- Industrial Design (ARCH)
- Industrial Engineering (ENGR)
- Interior Architecture (ARCH)
- Mathematics (NSM)
- Mechanical Engineering (ENGR)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (TECH)
- Petroleum Engineering (ENGR)
- Physics (NSM)
- Accounting (BUS)
- American Sign Language and Interpreting (CLASS)
- Anthropology (CLASS)
- Chinese (CLASS)
- Communications (CLASS)
- Economics (CLASS)
- English (CLASS)
- Finance (BUS)
- French (CLASS)
- Health (EDUC)
- History (CLASS)
- Human Development and Family Studies (EDUC)
- Italian Studies (CLASS)
- Liberal Studies (CLASS)
- Management (BUS)
- Marketing (BUS)
- Organizational Leadership and Supervision (TECH)
- Organizational/Corporate Communication (CLASS)
- Political Science (CLASS)
- Psychology (CLASS)
- Public Policy (HOBBY)
- Sociology (CLASS)
- Spanish (CLASS)
- Supply Chain and Logistics Technology (TECH)
- Teaching and Learning (EDUC)
- Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies (CLASS)
- Anthropology (CLASS)
- Economics (CLASS)
- English (CLASS)
- Health Communication (CLASS)
- Liberal Studies (CLASS)
- Management (BUS)
- Organizational Leadership and Supervision (TECH)
- Political Science (CLASS)
- Psychology (CLASS)
- Public Policy (HOBBY)
- Sociology (CLASS)
- Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies (CLASS)
- Biochemistry (NSM)
- Biology (NSM)
- Biomedical Engineering (ENGR)
- Biotechnology (TECH)
- Chemistry (NSM)
- Communication Sciences & Disorders (CLASS)
- Health (EDUC)
- Health Communication (CLASS)
- Human Nutrition and Foods (CLASS)
- Kinesiology, Exercise Science (CLASS)
- Liberal Studies (CLASS)
- Mathematics (NSM)
- Mathematical Biology (NSM)
- Physics (NSM)
- Psychology (CLASS)
- American Sign Language and Interpreting (CLASS)
- Anthropology (CLASS)
- Art History (CLASS)
- Chinese (CLASS)
- English Literature (CLASS)
- Film Studies Communication (CLASS)
- French (CLASS)
- History (CLASS)
- Interpersonal Communication (CLASS)
- Italian Studies (CLASS)
- Organizational/Corporate Communication (CLASS)
- Philosophy (CLASS)
- Religious Studies (CLASS)
- Spanish (CLASS)
- Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies (CLASS)
- World Cultures & Literature (CLASS)