Student Fees Advisory Committee - University of Houston
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Student Fees Advisory Committee

The Student Fees Advisory Committee (SFAC) is made up of seven (7) students, two (2) faculty and one (1) non-voting advisor and is charged with recommending funding allocations for Student Services Fees. SFAC meets several times during the latter half of the Fall semester and several more times in early Spring. In the Fall, members receive a comprehensive orientation designed to familiarize them with SFAC's operating and budget procedures. In the Spring, departments and student organizations which receive Student Service Fees provide a written request following Program Questionnaire Guidelines. In addition, departments and student organizations requesting funds are then required to make a presentation to SFAC so that members have a clear understanding of what a department does and its goals for the next fiscal year. Following these presentations SFAC goes into deliberation. Once the deliberations are finalized, SFAC forwards its allocation recommendations, as well as a recommendation on the amount of the SFAC Fee for the following year to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and the President.

SFAC received its authority via the Texas Administrative Code (Education Code; Chapter 54; Section 54.5062).

As with other University Committees, Boards and Task Forces, the Student Fees Advisory Committee governing documents ensure they are operating in an effective way to meet their goals and responsibilities. For your reference, you can view the SFAC Policies & Procedures.

SFAC plays a very important role, making recommendations on behalf of all students at the University of Houston. Their recommendations directly affect campus life and the futures of many departments and programs.