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Emily Messa Portrait

Emily A. Messa, Ph.D., CASP
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Senior Associate Vice President for Administration

Emily A. Messa, Ph.D., CASP, serves as senior associate vice chancellor and senior associate vice president. She has dual roles of responsibility for the UH System and University of Houston, leading a team of more than 50 full-time and student employees in addition to 700+ contract employees across her auxiliary services portfolio. Messa’s portfolio includes leading residential, retail, and catering dining services; campus store operations; vending services and pouring rights; parking and transportation services; Cougar Card Services; Copy, Print, and Delivery Services; Public Art of the University of Houston System; Cullen Performance Hall; Divisional Assessment and Communication Services; retail leasing and contract management for auxiliary services units; and Office of Administration Business Services. She also serves as chair of the UH System-wide Public Art Committee. Messa is an adjunct faculty member in the College of Education and her research interests include understanding the impact of auxiliary services on student success outcomes. She is an award-winning leader, having received the Robert F. Newton Award for Distinguished Service, the Volunteer of the Year Award, and the Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Legacy Award, all from the National Association of Auxiliary Services (NACAS). Messa has served on the NACAS National Board as an at-large board member and currently services as the vice president of the NACAS Foundation Board. She actively participates in education sessions on the auxiliary services profession.

Click each photo for the accompanying bio.