The UH College of Nursing Health Clinic
“Meeting the Needs of People Who Need It Most.”
Now Open in the Heart of Houston's Midtown
About Us
We are the Andy and Barbara Gessner College of Nursing. We create nurse leaders and educate students using innovative instruction and immersive experiences, wherever health care is happening. For the College of Nursing Health Clinic that means health care that happens in the heart of Midtown for people who need affordable, accessible care.
For more information please contact UHCONHC@central.uh.edu
Open Mondays & Thursdays (closed on Holidays)8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Call for appointments: 832-842-8203
Fax: 832-831-1638
Abraham Station5401 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77004
Who We Serve
Many in Midtown have limited access to healthcare services. Sometimes, recommended routine healthcare is difficult to access because the people seeking it don’t have permanent addresses or transportation, and, most importantly, a primary health care provider. The College of Nursing Health Clinic is designed to deliver community-centered health care while providing educational opportunities for health care professionals.
Why We Need Your Support
This nurse-managed clinic helps people who need treatment for routine illnesses that, left untreated, become acute and more expensive emergency care. Using telehealth and onsite services, we can help people in need and train the next generation of health care professionals. Please help us to serve more people by giving.
Your gift will be used for clinic operations, equipment and lab costs.
Contact Marianne DwyerChief Development Officer
Andy and Barbara Gessner College of Nursing
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Humana Institute, Texas Methodist Foundation, St. Paul United Methodist Church, F.W. Bert & Mae Dean Wheeler Foundation, Hamill Foundation, and the Hawkins Family Foundation for their generous support.