Partial Differential Equations and Applications - University of Houston
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Partial Differential Equations and Applications

There are many faculty in the department whose research interests include topics in partial differential equations. The following faculty are especially active in the analysis of problems arising from PDEs.

Giles AuchmutyWilliam Fitzgibbon, Jeff MorganMisha Perepelitsa, Daniel Onofrei and David Wagner. Also Nicholas Leger who is a lecturer in mathematics.

Their specific research interests are described on their personal websites. In recent years the group's  research has been supported by NSF, NIH, AFOSR, ONR and other awards. Sometimes research students receive partial support from these awards.

There is a weekly PDE seminar and many of our group participate in conferences and are involved with the SIAM special interest group in Applied PDE. The 2015 Texas PDE conference was held at the University of Houston in March 2015 and attracted about 80 attendees. Members of the group serve on editorial boards for research journals in analysis, applied mathematics, differential equations and numerical analysis.

Students interested in conducting research in PDEs should consider taking the Real analysis and Applicable Analysis graduate sequences and the associated doctoral qualifying  exams. The department regularly offers the PDE sequence Math 6326-6327 and most regular semesters there is another advanced course on a PDE topic.  Usually there  are graduate courses on numerical analysis and PDEs offered also.